Uruguay’s Foreign Minister, Francisco Bustillo, sent a note with a remark to the Uruguayan ambassador in Buenos Aires, Carlos Enciso, in which he questions the pertinence of his statements in a radio interview. Enciso spoke of a possible drop in Argentine investments if there is a political change in his country's government after the favorable policies in the past few years by President Luis Lacalle Pou.
Brazil's Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira told Folha de Sao Paulo that a possible free trade agreement between Uruguay and China would endanger the future of the South American Common Market (Mercosur). In Vieira's view, such a move would contradict the bloc's integration policies.
President Alberto Fernández told Evo Morales that the country currently holding the football World Cup will support Bolivia's bid to co-host the 2030 finals together with Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, and Paraguay.
According to the “II Report on Religious Intolerance: Brazil, Latin America and the Caribbean,” a publication by the Center for Articulation of Marginalized Populations and the Observatory for Religious Freedoms, with support from the Representation of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco) in Brazil, an increase in cases of religious intolerance has been detected in the country, Agencia Brasil reported. The survey was conducted as part of the Jan. 21 National Day Against Religious Intolerance.
Presidents Alberto Fernández of Argentina and Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva of Brazil met Monday morning at Casa Rosada in what is regarded as the relaunching of bilateral ties after the Jair Bolsonaro years.
The U.S. technology website CNET has stopped publishing articles written by Artificial Intelligence (AI), at least for the time being, as reported by The Verge.
Argentine president Alberto Fernandez is confident that “Celac can help deepen links with China”, and strongly criticized the United States for “demonizing” the Asian giant. On Monday/Tuesday Argentina and president Fernandez will be hosting the Community of Latin American and Caribbean, CELAC, seventh summit of heads of state when all the leaders of the region are expected to attend, including the 'bad boys' of the club such as Nicolas Maduro from Venezuela, Cuban president Miguel Días Canel and Nicaragua's Daniel Ortega.
A free trade agreement between Uruguay and China would destroy Mercosur since it contradicts the block's integration policies, according to Brazilian Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira said in a Sunday interview with Folha de Sao Paulo, a leading daily of the country's financial capital.
Brazilian authorities declared a public health emergency in the territories where the native Yanomami community resides in Roraima and set up the Center of Operations for Emergencies in Public Health (COE - Yanomami) reporting directly to the Indigenous Health Department (SESAI).
The Argentine-born Pope Francis welcomed Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso at the Vatican during the weekend to discuss indigenous issues and other matters concerning South America. Last week, the Catholic leader also held a meeting with Paraguay's Mario Abdo Benítez.