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Falklands: Milei favors diplomacy and the Hong Kong model, respecting people's wishes

Monday, August 14th 2023 - 10:57 UTC
Full article 13 comments
Javier Milei, the new kingmaker of Argentine politics and could even be the next president Javier Milei, the new kingmaker of Argentine politics and could even be the next president

He has become the rising (unexpected) star of Argentine politics, after defeating all other presidential hopefuls on Sunday's primary elections. The outspoken economist, promising libertarian changes, Javier Milei managed more than 30% of votes, ahead of the candidates from the two coalitions which were believed to have monopolized Argentine politics in recent decades, the opposition grouping with 27%, and the Kirchnerite incumbent coalition 28%.

This means that Milei on October 22nd will face Patricia Bullrich and Sergio Massa, and if percentages remain could be Argentina's next president when the second round in November.

Read also: Political earthquake: Libertarian candidate Javier Milei surges ahead in Argentina's elections

Once again all pollsters failed to anticipate Sunday's events and outcome, but analysts also point out to the 30% abstention among the highly politicized Argentine voters, --despite mandatory voting--, but it was also the worst showing of the ever dominant Peronist movement in any election, and particularly for the Kirchnerite brand.

Argentines are disenchanted, frustrated, fed up with their politicians, with corruption, galloping inflation, lack of foreign currency which have turned such a rich country into an international beggar.

So taking into account these facts, and looking ahead to the 22 October first round, how does Milei feel about the Falklands and the Malvinas Question.

Milei said in a television interview he favors only diplomacy and is inclined to a restitution of the Islands to Argentina in a similar way to the Hong Kong case with China in 1997, “but taking into account the will of the people living in the Islands, because they live in line with conditions of a developed country, and not a miserable country like the one we have now.”

He added, “we have to sit with the English, since there was a war and they beat us, and tell them, 'look the Islands belong to Argentina' so we must find a way to overcome the dispute. We need a long term agreement which means the Islands will return to us, but in no possible way with violence or force, and contemplating the position of the people who live there”

Following on the Hong Kong model, “after certain time, and some goals agreed and achieved, England returned Hong Kong to China. Respecting the people's wishes is most important, they won't want to live in a miserable country as we have currently”.

Milei discarded entirely any use of force or violence, “Argentina is in no condition of resisting an attack, we virtually have no defense, it has been dismantled, but luckily we live in a peaceful neighborhood, we don't have enemies among our neighbors”.

This situation allows “Argentina to be absolutely defenseless, nobody is planning to attack us”.

When asked about geopolitics, Milei said Argentina belongs to the Western world, and his allies are United States and Israel, which he plans to be one of his first visits if elected Argentine president.

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  • Islander1

    It is indeed a start, But Argentina fails to understand - or conveniently prefers to twist the real reason for the handover of Hong Kong to China.Hong Kong Islands was 100% British Territory, The surrounding mainland area on which the Island depended heavily was on a 99Year Lease from China and thus was due naturally to return to Chines sovereignty.
    That meant that Hong Kong Island would become totally unsustainable on its own - thus it was inevitable that the UK and China reached the Agreement they did for its handover at the same time as the handback of the “new territories”.

    But as we all know- China subsequently failed to honour the conditions they signed for respecting the Democratic Rights etc of the people of Hong Kong and the New Territories, and that agreement is now utterly worthless.

    Aug 14th, 2023 - 10:31 am +9
  • Monkeymagic

    It’s a start.

    The Falkland Islanders do not want to live in a miserable country like Argentine and their will must be respected. Tick.

    The Falklands are Argentine, no they aren’t, but he is trying to win an election.

    I hope he does. I hope Peronism is utterly destroyed.

    Aug 14th, 2023 - 09:37 am +7
  • Monkeymagic

    I think this chap probably knows the islands aren’t Argentine and never were, but that is an unelectable stance at the moment.

    First step in weening the brainwashed of the Peronist teet, is to change the narrative and recognise the islanders. He has already done more than any other Argie politician in doing that.

    Once you recognise the islanders and their wishes, and acknowledge Argentina lost a war, and acknowledge that Argentina today is not a country anyone sane person would want to join….you have changed the focus.

    Then over time you release new information and true history which “maybe” shows the Falklands weren’t Argentine.

    Wishful thinking but this guy has said more truth already than Kitchener in 10 years.

    Aug 14th, 2023 - 04:17 pm +7
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