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Javier Milei plans to give a “prominent role” to Mauricio Macri in his future government

Saturday, August 19th 2023 - 17:38 UTC
Full article 7 comments
Macri has approached the libertarian candidate, who often voices discontent with the political class, seeing them all, including the former President, as part of the same “caste.” Macri has approached the libertarian candidate, who often voices discontent with the political class, seeing them all, including the former President, as part of the same “caste.”

The libertarian Javier Milei, the most voted presidential candidate in the last Primary, Open, Simultaneous and Mandatory (PASO) elections in Argentina, with about 30.90% of the votes, ratified that he maintains a strong dialogue with former President Mauricio Macri. So much so that he plans to offer him “a prominent role” if he were elected as the next national president, as he expressed in radio statements this week.

“If I am president, Macri would have an outstanding role as Argentina's representative. He would be a figure above the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and others... a representative of the country, I do not know how to define it, the figure would have to be created, but I think he is someone who can open markets”, Milei stated in an interview with Radio Mitre.

Since last Sunday's surprising result of the primary elections, Mauricio Macri has shown a rapprochement with the libertarian candidate who has repeatedly expressed his dissatisfaction with the political class and his perception that all of them -including Macri- belong to the same “caste.”

Within the framework of his recent conversations with the former president of the nation, economist Javier Milei shared revealing details about the varied topics they discussed. However, he highlighted with astonishment a gesture on the part of Mauricio Macri that captured his attention. “We explored various topics. However, I was pleasantly impressed by the fact that he was not only interested in economic issues, but also showed a human side that I did not expect, given our relationship”, said the prominent leader of the libertarian current during the interview.

In reference to the recent conference held in virtual format last Friday with representatives of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Milei assured that the exchange was characterized by its affable tone and left both parties in a state of understanding propitious for future meetings. “We agreed that they will provide us with their working papers. This constitutes the first meeting among many, and begins a phase of interaction between technical teams,” he explained concisely and clearly.

“No chance”

After the news that Macri could be a “representative” of Milei if he becomes President, a collaborator of the former President was blunt: ”There is no possibility that Mauricio would accept that proposal or that he would support him (Milei)“, said to Infobae Fernando de Andreis, one of the main collaborators of the former President.

Former Secretary General of the Presidency of the Cambiemos government, De Andreis affirmed that in Macri's environment ”they do not take seriously“ the proposal of the libertarian leader and highlighted: ”There is no doubt about who Mauricio supports, which is Patricia Bullrich and the candidates of Juntos por el Cambio“. ”We are surprised that some people play the game of wanting to appropriate Mauricio”, he added, pointing at Milei.

Categories: Economy, Politics, Argentina.

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  • Chicureo

    Any comments...

    “...plans to offer him “a prominent role” if he were elected as the next national president...”

    I'm currently watching the glorious rainfall here in La Dehesa, with the Andes getting snowfall.

    Life is wonderful!


    Aug 19th, 2023 - 07:11 pm 0
  • bushpilot

    Will Milei make Macri Super Minister of the Economy? Like Sergio Massa is now?

    Macri is backing Bullrich I read. This might be Sergio trying to get those voters.

    Again, if Macri was so economically astute, why was he elected out of office?

    I always thought this guy Milei was too much of an economic simpleton, just like Macri was.

    Yes, Peronism, is a bad economic mistake, but getting Argentines off of that mindset is not going to happen with overnight decrees.

    It should take several years and so the next president will need more than one term to get anywhere. So, the economic moves to be made, need to be positive enough to get him re-elected in 4 years, to continue on getting the country away from Peronism.

    But something tells me, this guy Milei is such a simpleton, his moves are going to be too heavy, and he'll just stall the economy completely, shut it down.

    And then, because he's talking about Fernandez maybe not finishing his term, maybe Milei will do that himself, and throw in the towel early. Because then he finally realizes, his simpleton answers couldn't work with the years and years in the making, deeply complicated, economic mess that Argentina is in.

    Chicureo, maybe they need a smart Chileno for the Economy Minister's job. Maybe Milei can give you that job.

    If anybody can turn that Argentine economy around, it's you, for sure. You want the job?

    Aug 20th, 2023 - 01:13 am 0
  • Chicureo


    Thank you for your vote of confidence but this Chileno realizes it's a zero sum loss to tackle such an impossible task.

    Just farming table grapes and avocados I find nearly beyond my intellectual capacity.

    I fear no one has the capacity to solve the complicated, economic mess that Argentina is facing.

    Perhaps the Virgin Maria will appear from Heaven and deposit a trillion USD into the IMF account...

    Meanwhile Madame and I have returned to our gypsy camp to ski the wonderful powder snow here at Valle Nevado.


    Aug 20th, 2023 - 12:30 pm 0
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