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Argentina: Milei calls for reconciliation with Armed Forces at Malvinas tribute

Tuesday, April 2nd 2024 - 23:58 UTC
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The President's remarks also touched upon economic and geopolitical considerations, emphasizing the need for a prosperous economy and a capable defense force to assert Argentina's sovereignty claims The President's remarks also touched upon economic and geopolitical considerations, emphasizing the need for a prosperous economy and a capable defense force to assert Argentina's sovereignty claims

President Javier Milei, along with Vice President Victoria Villarruel, led a solemn tribute to the fallen of the Falklands/Malvinas War on the 42nd anniversary of the conflict. In an emotional move, Milei called for a new era of reconciliation with Argentina's armed forces, emphasizing their role in the nation's history and sovereignty, despite criticism from various civilian sectors about their role during the last military dictatorship (1976-1983).

Addressing the gathering, Milei urged all political parties and society to embrace a renewed relationship with the Armed Forces, stating, “I want this government to transcend and pay sincere homage to our heroes, giving the Armed Forces the place of recognition and support they deserve.” According to the President's political movement point of view, this call comes amidst ongoing efforts to heal past divisions and build a stronger sense of national unity.

“But also, I do not want respect for the Armed Forces and the heroes of Malvinas to be the monopoly of a political space. No, our military and veterans deserve something bigger and more lasting than that. That is why I call on society as a whole and the political leadership to inaugurate this April 2 a new era of reconciliation with the Armed Forces that transcends this government. An era that pays sincere homage to its heroes, giving the Armed Forces the place, recognition and support they deserve. An era where support for the Armed Forces is accompanied by a prosperous and thriving economy so that they can count on the necessary resources and technology to defend our homeland with dignity”, he added.

Furthermore, Milei extended an invitation to the chiefs of the armed forces and veterans of the Falklands War to participate in the upcoming May Pact, scheduled to be signed with the provinces on May 25 in Córdoba. The pact aims to foster cooperation and solidarity among different sectors of Argentine society, emphasizing the importance of national unity in the face of external challenges.

The President's remarks also touched upon economic and geopolitical considerations, emphasizing the need for a prosperous economy and a capable defense force to assert Argentina's sovereignty claims effectively. “For sovereign claims to be heard and respected, it is a necessary condition that the country and its leadership be respected,” Milei asserted, highlighting the importance of economic freedom and national security in shaping Argentina's international standing.

The tribute ceremony began with a poignant embrace between Milei and Villarruel, symbolizing a desire to move past recent disagreements and focus on common goals. Villarruel's father, a Malvinas hero, added personal significance to the event, with emotional moments captured during the national broadcast.

Milei's homage also included recognition of former President Julio Argentino Roca. Acording to Milei, Roca's legacy serves as inspiration for Argentina's sovereignty aspirations. “The main inspiration for our sovereignty claim is the great General Julio Argentino Roca,” the Libertarian declared, underscoring Roca's vision of a prosperous economy and respected armed forces as the foundation of a strong nation.

The economy was mentioned

The President's message also included economic definitions. “In order for sovereign claims to be heard and respected, it is a necessary condition that the country and its leadership be respected; nobody would take seriously the claim of serial defaulters”, he said, as Infobae reported. Such respect -he explained- is based on two essential conditions: the Nation must be a protagonist in international trade and its armed forces must be capable of defending its borders against possible invasions.

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