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Demonstrators arrested, reporters wounded as police crush demonstration in Buenos Aires

Thursday, April 11th 2024 - 10:55 UTC
Full article 26 comments
An activist described the police's “ambush” as intimidating against anyone opposing Milei's An activist described the police's “ambush” as intimidating against anyone opposing Milei's

Protesters were wounded and arrested in Buenos Aires Wednesday as law enforcement forces crushed a demonstration along the iconic 9 de Julio Avenue against the policies of Libertarian President Javier Milei that rendered social organizations almost helpless in the face of increasing constraints. Some journalists were also injured or apprehended during the incidents.

“Carlos Guerra was aimed at as he was being taken away, and colleague Diego Ricciardi of Crónica TV was hit in the face with a rubber bullet,” said Telesur's Santiago Corei.

According to Crónica TV reporter Camila Barral, some demonstrators “had been arrested and were still being beaten on the ground.” She insisted that after the operation, the police removed the demonstrators from the street and cleaned up the area “as if nothing had happened, as if they had not fired” any rubber bullets. “Our fellow journalists were hit with rubber bullets, tear gas, stones, also as a response from the demonstrators,” she added.

“It was an ambush,” Barrios de Pie leader Silvia Saravia told Página/12. “The demonstration was peaceful,” she added. “It was a clear message that they do not want protests. An intimidating and sobering message, not only for us but for anyone who dares to take to the streets against the government,” she stressed.

At least 12 people from various leftwing social organizations were arrested. From the police station where they were detained, they held a press conference, in which they denounced that more than a hundred protesters had been injured and one of them ended up hospitalized.

From his tour in Miami, Milei welcomed the incidents by clicking “like” on social media postings celebrating the police's actions “to remove picketers who wanted to play tough and cut the 9 de Julio [Avenue] damaging the workers” as security forces applied the anti-strike protocol devised by Minister Patricia Bullrich.

“Infantry, hydrant, and motorcycle police personnel were deployed along Avenida de Mayo, hand to Constitución, to free the route occupied by more than 4,000 demonstrators,” the news service Noticias Argentinas said citing police sources.

Categories: Politics, Argentina.

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  • bushpilot


    Sounds terrible! Much suffering!

    “at the cost of the blood of retirees”!

    The blood of retirees was shed?

    Are retirees now worse off in Chile than in Argentina or Brazil?

    Which country is taking the best care of their retirees?

    Which country has such a huge amount of resources that all of its citizens should be living comfortably?

    “at the expense of the privatization of public services and state-owned companies”!

    Why is that bad?

    “the decline of neoliberal captalism”!

    Are you sure it is declining?

    Socialism was destroying Argentina. Why is socialism good?

    “A bullet in the needle to propose countercyclical measures that favor the growth of its economy”!


    Can you give some examples of other countries that did have “bullets in the needle” and used them?

    This lack of a “bullet in the needle” in Chile will, in your opinion, one day cause stagnation there for several years, turning Chile's capitalist economic miracle into a,

    “true economic nightmare”!

    Is your opinion backed by any economic education? What courses in economics have you taken?

    Perhaps Chile will one day experience a “true economic nightmare”.

    Maybe, maybe not.

    Argentina &Venezuela seem to be having right now, and not one day, “true economic nightmares”.

    Are these neoliberal capitalist countries?

    Are those people living under those economics suffering?

    Or is it that the suffering of people due to socialist economics is a non-issue, should not be discussed, and can be ignored, because that country favors your socialist politics?

    Do you care about people suffering?

    Should we be more concerned about what “one day” might happen in a neoliberal capitalist country, “in your opinion”, or,

    should we be more concerned about people suffering today?

    Should we only focus people that suffer due to neoliberal capitalist economic policies?

    Because you have valid economic opinions, what do you think needs to be done in Argentina to solve that people's “right now” suffering?

    Apr 11th, 2024 - 04:13 pm +2
  • bushpilot

    These “demonstrators” were violating the rights of other Argentines. A government's responsibility is to protect the people's rights.

    The goverment did not violate the “demonstrator's” rights. They did not violate their right to free speech.

    They can demonstrate, they can speak freely.

    They cannot have rights and then turn around and ignore others' rights.

    These “demonstrators” were the ones violating others' rights.

    They need to exercise their rights to demonstrate, speak, and assemble at a place that does take away other people's rights.

    Apr 11th, 2024 - 06:25 pm +1
  • Terence Hill

    “however Skippy needs to apologize to the entire MP readership for stealing the valour of a deceased RAF Airman, who served during the 1962 Missile Crisis.”

    Skippy was never here, and your not all here.
    Skippy has never attempted to steal my valor, and the last time I looked I was hale and hearty.

    Meanwhile, the proof of who I am is here at
    In this picture of me with my tankard in March 2018. It shows my name, my rank, squadron 18, of the RAF in 1963. It is the only bona fide image of me on the web, any other claims will fail for lack of authenticity.

    “Paranoid Personality

    At the other end of the spectrum, furthest removed from health, is the paranoid personality showing clear-cut megalomania. Paranoid personalities believe that people are not only looking at them but also talking about them, even conspiring against them, because they are very special and very important. They may believe they have extraordinary powers. When they become unable to distinguish fantasy from fact, their insanity is clear. In that case, we are dealing with full-fledged paranoia-a psychotic rather than a neurotic condition-and the treatment differs. Nevertheless, even in such extreme cases, we find most of the characteristics of narcissism: extreme grandiosity, a marked discrepancy between the ego image and the actual self, arrogance, insensitivity to others, denial, and projection.”

    Denial of the True Self Alexandra Lowen

    Apr 12th, 2024 - 12:32 pm +1
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