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Montevideo, June 21st 2024 - 20:24 UTC



Falkland Islands anniversary of Liberation Day 2024

Friday, June 14th 2024 - 10:00 UTC
Full article 11 comments

To mark the Anniversary of the Liberation of the Falkland Islands from the Argentine occupation in 1982, the following program has been arranged for Friday 14 June 2024 by Gilbert House, the seat of the elected autonomous government of the Falklands.

A thanksgiving service will be held in Christ Church Cathedral commencing at 9.45am, His Honor The Acting Governor together with Members of the Legislative Assembly the Commander British Forces will attend the service along with representatives of the Royal Navy, the Army, the Royal Air Force, the Falkland Islands Defense Force and members of the Merchant Navy and Youth Groups. Veterans from 1982, including local residents will also be present.

At 11.00am a parade and ceremony will be held at the Liberation Monument in front of the Secretariat building. After prayers His Honour The Acting Governor will lay a wreath. Wreaths will also be laid by a Member of Legislative Assembly, the Commander British Forces, official FIG guests, representatives of the Armed Services, Veteran Associations, and by relatives and others wishing to do so.

Members of the community wishing to attend are asked to arrive no later than 10.45.

Please look out for and take heed of the road closures in the area of Barrack Street/Ross Road and Reservoir Road.

A civic reception, hosted by the Falkland Islands Government, will be held in the Falkland Islands Defense Force Club. This will commence at 11.45am and end at 2pm. All residents and members of the Armed Services are cordially invited to attend. It is appropriate for medals and decorations to be worn on this occasion.

Categories: Politics, Falkland Islands.

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  • Juan Cervantes

    Regini, your post wandered off the subject and ended up having nothing to do with the topic, like it does so many times , so yes gibberish, we all know all governments lie and are corrupt and self serving and that includes your lot too, Neither Spain or France have ever said they claimed the islands first, clearly they did not, only Argentina says they did, strange that isnt it, Britains claim to the Falklands was long before you ever existed as a country, the claim was never given up, the Malvinas myth is just that a myth based on a pack of lies,

    Posted 5 days ago +2
  • Eduardo Domingo Fernandez

    Pathetic response Argie zit,,Trimonde is not right about anything, their will be no slip or geopolitical change, stop living in la la land and get a grip, so much nonsense in such a small sentence,

    Posted 3 days ago +2
  • Juan Cervantes

    Yes i do know the the truth, and its not your version of history full of indoctrinated garbage and bat shit crazy Q Anon conspiracy theories, the Falklands were British are British and will stay British until the day they decide to be come an independent sovereign nation.

    Posted 5 days ago +1
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