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Falklands delegation in US to address decolonization Committee 18th June

Friday, June 14th 2024 - 08:10 UTC
Full article 2 comments
MLA Teslyn Barkman shakes hands with Mario Díaz-Balart, Republican Representative, 26th district Florida, members of the Appropriations Committee MLA Teslyn Barkman shakes hands with Mario Díaz-Balart, Republican Representative, 26th district Florida, members of the Appropriations Committee

The Falkland Islands Legislative Assembly is pleased to share that MLAs Teslyn Barkman and Gavin Short have been in Washington D.C as part of a small Falklands Delegation since Sunday, June 9th, ahead of the UN Committee of 24 on Decolonization on the 18th of June.

 In addition to MLAs Barkman and Short the delegation includes Falkland Islands Junior Ambassador Benjamin Bahamonde Wastavino; Political Support Officer Nicholas Roberts; and Deputy Director of the Overseas Territories & Polar Directorate for the Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), Adam Pile.

During their visit, the delegation has been busy meeting with:

- International NGOs to discuss environmental, science, and fisheries activities in the Falklands.

- Congressional staffers on Capitol Hill to highlight a range of Falklands challenges and opportunities.

- Representatives of various nations to the Organization of American States (OAS) to advocate for the Falklands' right to self-determination.

- Representatives of the British Embassy in Washington to reinforce the strong and modern relationship with the United Kingdom.

- Members of the US House of Representatives and Senate, including productive discussions with Congressman Bill Keating and Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart.

Following on from the three days in the US capital the delegation moves on to New York for, among other meetings, participation in the UN Committee of 24 on Decolonization on the 18th of June.

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  • Livepeanuts

    The UN is a Marxist tool
    As good Marxists they disregard MERIT and force outcomes favouring the useless and incompetents.
    They call the invasion and colonization of our successful countries in the West “cultural enrichment” which infects us with criminals and lay abouts, failures of decolonization.
    To give the third world countries a good government is despicable colonization.
    The UN can't stand a prosperous community like the one in the Falklands which it wishes to “decolonize” or enrich it with a backward economic failure.
    Who are behind the “decolonisers” in the C24? Russia with the second largest empire ever and China not far away which took over Tibet and is desperate to invade Taiwan!
    What have Marxism and Islam and Black Nationalism created? Dumps and genocides.
    Where did Marx go to live: to the Capital of the British Empire!
    Where are the armies of third world invaders heading to: The Anglosphere BECAUSE the British Empire created the best places to live with its MERITOCRACY destroyed by the Marxist decolonisers.

    Jun 14th, 2024 - 03:10 pm 0
  • Eduardo Domingo Fernandez

    It is a pointless toothless committee that has zero relevance, end of story.

    Jun 14th, 2024 - 06:01 pm 0
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