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Montevideo, September 16th 2024 - 18:50 UTC

Stories for June 2024

  • Wednesday, June 19th 2024 - 09:49 UTC

    Rio Grande do Sul's death toll updated to 177

    Fraport not leaving Salgado Filho airport despite local CEO's remarks

    According to an updated report on the floods in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul released Tuesday, 177 people had perished while 37 others were still unaccounted for. Agencia Brasil also said some 10,000 people were still in shelters as Civil Defense authorities issued a new heavy rain alert after at least 19 municipalities were damaged by new floods this past weekend.

  • Wednesday, June 19th 2024 - 09:44 UTC

    Honduras following in on El Salvador's example of tackling crime

    Xiomara Castro has already decreed a state of partial emergency that achieved very little in curbing violence

    Honduran President Xiomara Castro has undertaken a series of security reforms collectively known as the Solution Plan against Crime somehow resembling those of neighboring El Salvador under Nayib Bukele, it was reported in Tegucigalpa.

  • Wednesday, June 19th 2024 - 09:41 UTC

    Uruguay takes delivery of South Korean-built patrol boat

    The ROU 10 Huracán is to be ferried to Montevideo aboard a merchant ship

    During a ceremony earlier this week at the South Korean Jinhae Naval Base, Uruguay's Navy took delivery of the Chamsuri class ROU 10 Huracán patrol vessel donated by the hosting country. The handover resulted from negotiations undertaken last year by then-Defense Minister Javier García to strengthen the South American country's capabilities to participate in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations as the main focus. South Korea has recently transferred other units to the Navies of Peru and Colombia.

  • Wednesday, June 19th 2024 - 07:05 UTC

    “We want to be us, a free people, practicing self-determination in a democratic country”, Falklands MLA Short

    Address to the United Nations Special Committee on the situation with regard to the implementation of the declaration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples. Also known as the Committee or C24, 18 June 2024. Petition by MLA Gavin Short, member of the Falkland Islands elected Legislative Assembly.

  • Tuesday, June 18th 2024 - 21:42 UTC

    Pettovello denting Milei's approval ratings

    Pettovello was likened to former First Lady Fabiola Yáñez, who did little good to then-President Alberto Fernández's image

    A study by the consulting firm Zuban Córdoba showed that Argentine President Javier Milei's approval ratings were falling below those of other officials of his administration such as Security Minister Patricia Bullrich and Vice President Victoria Villarruel. These results were said to be driven by scandals involving the President's protegé, Human Capital Minister Sandra Pettovello.

  • Tuesday, June 18th 2024 - 20:50 UTC

    Foreign travelers keep pouring into Brazil and skipping Argentina

    Even Argentine travelers prefer Brazil over their own country given the high prices under Milei

    While Brazil welcomed a 14.8% growth in the number of foreign tourists in May this year from the same month of 2023, Argentina's domestic leisure travel showed a decline of nearly 65% during this past three-day weekend encompassing the June 17 National Holiday.

  • Tuesday, June 18th 2024 - 11:58 UTC

    State of Cetaceans 2024, ORCA report in oceans worldwide

    Many 2023 findings are from the Southern Ocean survey undertaken by ORCA, the Government of South Georgia, and the British Antarctic Survey

    Marine Conservation Charity ORCA’s “State of the Cetaceans 2024”, (*) report is a fascinating glimpse into how the world’s whales and dolphins are coping with human impacts on the ocean. It analyses the extraordinary 330,000 kilometers of marine surveys conducted by ORCA in 2023, recording 55,604 whales and dolphins in oceans worldwide from the Arctic to the Antarctic, the North and South Atlantic, and the Pacific to the Mediterranean.

  • Tuesday, June 18th 2024 - 11:41 UTC

    Paraguay consolidating as the world's third exporter of soybeans

    Paraguay surpassed its drought-hit neighbor Argentina, while, last year, it ranked third among global exporters

    Paraguayan exports of soybeans are gaining steam, according to shipment data provided by Marine Link. Farmers are accelerating sales due to a stronger global market and higher prices for the oil seed.

  • Tuesday, June 18th 2024 - 10:44 UTC

    Falklands, Liberation Day, Normandy heroes and awards in the King's Birthday Honors List

    Laying wreaths at the Liberation Monument next to MLA Pete Biggs

    June is a most poignant month for the Falkland Islands since on the 14th, the community commemorates the Liberation of the Islands in 1982 after 74 days of occupation by Argentine forces.

  • Tuesday, June 18th 2024 - 09:55 UTC

    Bullrich apologizes for remarks regarding Hezbollah's alleged presence in Chile

    Bullrich told Tohá over the telephone that her comments had been made when analyzing the regional scenario and with no animosity toward Chile

    Chilean President Gabriel Boric Font declared the diplomatic incident over after Argentine Security Minister Patricia Bullrich apologized for saying that the terrorist organization Hezbollah was operating in the Chilean port of Iquique. “It seems to me that it is tremendously important that the authorities be responsible in their statements and affirmations,” said Boric.