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Montevideo, September 15th 2024 - 03:10 UTC

Stories for June 2024

  • Tuesday, June 18th 2024 - 09:32 UTC

    Brazil joins Strasbourg Convention regarding convicted people

    The legal mechanism gives foreigners who have committed crimes in other jurisdictions the possibility of serving their sentence in their countries of origin

    Brazil has joined the Strasbourg Convention on the Transfer of Convicted Persons applying to any requests involving countries that have ratified the treaty. The agreement seeks to facilitate the social reintegration of the convicted person, giving foreigners who have committed crimes in other jurisdictions the possibility of serving their sentence in their countries of origin, Brazil's Justice Ministry explained.

  • Tuesday, June 18th 2024 - 09:26 UTC

    Brazil among less competitive economies but better than Argentina

    “We are suffocating the Brazilian productive chain,” Tadeu explained

    According to a report released this week by the Swiss Business School's Institute for Management Development (IMD), Brazil ranked 62nd this year after falling two notches in the list drawn considering statistics and opinion polls among businesspeople.

  • Tuesday, June 18th 2024 - 09:18 UTC

    Tribute to Piñera scheduled for Tuesday in Santiago

    According to Chilean media, Lacalle will be the only sitting president to attend Piñera's tribute

    Uruguayan President Luis Lacalle Pou left for Santiago late Monday to participate in a tribute at the Universidad del Desarrollo's auditorium organized by the Grupo Libertad y Democracia to late Chilean president Sebastián Piñera (2010-2014 and 2018-2022). Piñera died in February in a helicopter accident while piloting the aircraft.

  • Monday, June 17th 2024 - 19:58 UTC

    Argentina to remove solar panels Tuesday, weather permitting

    “Remove the solar panels as soon as possible or we will,” warned a Boric not as tolerant as Chile's Foreign Minister van Klaveren

    Argentina's Navy will remove the solar panels mistakenly placed in Chilean territory after President Gabriel Boric Font warned that his country would take action if Buenos Aires failed to comply at the earliest time possible.

  • Monday, June 17th 2024 - 19:14 UTC

    Paraguay's potential highlighted by leading international outlet

    Among other items, Paraguay stands out for its 0.1% greenhouse gas emissions

    Paraguay's latest achievements as a top Latin American destination for foreign investments have been highlighted by One World Media. The outlet praised the South American country's macroeconomic and political stability coupled with its natural resources, strategic position, and gender equality regulations.

  • Monday, June 17th 2024 - 18:14 UTC

    IMF: Argentina's economic activity projections worse than thought

    Argentina's return to international capital markets could happen as early as 2025, the IMF also foresaw

    Monday's International Monetary Fund (IMF) projected a 3.5% drop in Argentina's economic activity this year from a previous 2.75% assessment but admitted inflation would be lower than previously thought reaching 140% year-on-year by the end of 2024 in addition to “declining further in the medium term, as demand for pesos recovers from historically low levels.”

  • Monday, June 17th 2024 - 10:23 UTC

    Argentina installs solar panels in Chilean territory by mistake

    Faurie said the items could not be removed until the summer but some Chilean lawmakers want them demolished at once

    Argentina's Ambassador to Santiago Jorge Faurie admitted his country had made a mistake when solar panels were placed three meters into Chilean territory in Tierra del Fuego, which triggered a diplomatic incident between the two countries.

  • Monday, June 17th 2024 - 09:46 UTC

    Uruguay better equipped in case of new drought

    Uruguay is better prepared this time around, Bouvier noted

    Uruguayan authorities are adopting contingency measures in case a new drought comes about in September as the La Niña phenomenon has been forecast to be bringing along a significant decrease in rainfall, it was reported in Montevideo.

  • Monday, June 17th 2024 - 09:31 UTC

    Rescued Magellanic penguins returned to the sea

    The animals were fitted with a subcutaneous microchip featuring each one's medical record, should any of them appear in another latitude

    Argentine environmentalists and scientists brought back to the sea a group of 14 Magellanic penguins that had been rescued from the beaches and treated at the San Clemente-based Mundo Marino Foundation for malnutrition, dehydration, hypothermia, and a high parasitic load.

  • Monday, June 17th 2024 - 07:49 UTC

    Russia-Ukraine War: Argentina signs Bürgenstock Declaration; Brazil does not

    Lula chose to skip the convention “because Brazil would only take part in the discussion on peace when the two sides in the conflict were sitting at the table”(Pic AP)

    Argentine President Javier Milei joined the list of dignitaries endorsing the Bürgenstock Declaration in favor of peace in Ukraine while Brazil's Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was among those very few who did not because in his view only negotiations involving both belligerent parties (Ukraine and Russia) were worth considering.