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Montevideo, September 16th 2024 - 18:55 UTC

Stories for June 2024

  • Wednesday, June 5th 2024 - 21:22 UTC

    Argentine air traffic controllers announce 18-day strike

    Air operations will not be affected but ground traffic will. Hence, takeoffs shall not be allowed during the mesure de force

    Argentine air traffic controllers nationwide announced an 18-day strike starting this coming Sunday to demand better salaries as people's incomes in the South American country have been dwindled by inflation. The measure is expected to affect air travel, albeit to a limited extent.

  • Wednesday, June 5th 2024 - 20:53 UTC

    Uruguay's interannual inflation stands at 4.1% in May

    Gasoline rose 1.95% on average, the INE found

    Uruguay's National Statistics Institute (INE) released a report Wednesday in Montevideo showing that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) went up 0.4% in May for an accumulated 3.25% in 2024 and a 4.1% yoy. In May 2023, inflation for the previous 12 months amounted to 7.1%.

  • Wednesday, June 5th 2024 - 20:24 UTC

    Milei pledges to veto any bill challenging the zero fiscal deficit

    “I will veto everything; I don't give three fucks,” Milei explained during a conference

    Argentine President Javier Milei dawned quite verbacious Wednesday after the Lower House passed Tuesday a bill to increase the wages of senior citizens which are also lagging behind the country's inflation and other price adjustments announced for the coming days: “I will veto everything, I don't give a damn,” said Milei, who also insisted he would stand by his administration's zero fiscal deficit policy.

  • Wednesday, June 5th 2024 - 16:59 UTC

    Falkland Islands Government publishes Budget for 2024/25

    Portfolio Holder for Corporate Government Services, MLA Roger Spink said: “This budget follows the principle of ensuring the long-term financial stability of the Falkland Islands.”

    Focusing on our current and future generations is at the heart of the Falkland Islands Government Budget for 2024/25. The Budget recognises these two themes are essential for the community to mitigate against the continued global cost of living crisis, and the uncontrollable situations happening around the world, which ultimately impact our economy.

  • Wednesday, June 5th 2024 - 14:29 UTC

    Brazilian farmers clash with government over the authorization to import rice

    CNA argues that importing rice could destabilize the domestic rice production chain, causing price instability and harming local farmers.

    Brazilian farmers and government have clashed over the recent authorization to import rice, given the extraordinary floods and consequences suffered by the state of Rio Grande do Sul, the main producer the cereal. As a result of the situation the Brazilian Agriculture and Livestock Confederation (CNA) has filed a lawsuit against the federal government’s decision to authorize rice imports.

  • Wednesday, June 5th 2024 - 10:22 UTC

    Global tourism expected this year to overcome 2019 pre-Covid level; China the leading spender

    Chinese expenditure on travel abroad reached US$196.5 billion in 2023, ahead of United States, US$ 150bn; Germany, US$ 112bn; UK, US$ 110bn; France 49bn

    International tourist arrivals during 2023 recovered 89% of 2019 levels and 97% in the first quarter of 2024, points out the World Tourism Barometer while projections for the whole of 2024 point to a full recovery of international tourism, with arrivals growing 2% above 2019 levels. The reasons have been a strong global demand, enhanced air connectivity, and the recovery of China and other major Asian markets.

  • Wednesday, June 5th 2024 - 10:11 UTC

    Low river levels affecting Paraguay's shipments

    After last year's recovery, 2024 is expected to be tough once again, Romero explained

    Paraguayan foreign trade operators have expressed concern this week amid dropping water levels at the Paraguay and Paraná rivers affecting transportation capacity.

  • Wednesday, June 5th 2024 - 09:54 UTC

    Fitch keeps Uruguay's rating unchanged and stable

    In Uruguay there is “a basic political consensus around the continuity of state policies,” Fitch underlined

    The international credit rating agency Fitch announced Tuesday that it was keeping Uruguay's BBB grade unchanged and with a stable outlook given the South American country's “relatively high” GDP, strong governance indexes, and sound external finances.

  • Wednesday, June 5th 2024 - 09:45 UTC

    Brazil's economy back on progress' track

    According to the IMF, Brazil will soon become the 8th economy in the world, Lula announced on X

    According to a report from Brazil's Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) released Tuesday, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of South America's largest country grew 0.8% in the first quarter of 2024 compared to the last three months of 2023 and 2.5% interannually after a 0.1% contraction in the fourth quarter of last year.

  • Wednesday, June 5th 2024 - 09:34 UTC

    USS George Washington crosses into Chilean waters

    The USS George Washington is due in Valparaíso on June 11

    Chile's Navy confirmed Tuesday through a posting on X that the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS George Washington had crossed the Strait of Magellan into Pacific Ocean waters and was on her way to Valparaíso. Accompanying the vessel were the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer USS Porter (DDG-78) and the Henry J. Kaiser-class fleet tanker USNS John Lenthall (T-AO-189).