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Only Michelle Obama could defeat Donald Trump, poll shows

Thursday, July 4th 2024 - 09:42 UTC
Full article 4 comments

After US President Joseph Biden's lackluster performance in the debate against his predecessor Donald Trump prompted numerous cries for his stepping down from this year's elections, a recent Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll showed that only former First Lady Michelle Obama could bring a Democratic ticket to victory on Nov. 5. Read full article


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  • SB4

    Michelle Obama said not having interest in running for the presidency, why in hell did the media make such absurd comments?
    Whatever the Democrat party wants to do the fact is there is not enough time to make any changes before the election date of Nov.5.
    Biden's debate last week proved he is unfit mentally and physically for the presidency election. Biden at age 81 has dementia and he cannot find words to finish a sentence, cannot pronounce words clearly and cannot remember what he said. Americans deserves
    an energetic, smart president not a zombie like Biden.

    Jul 04th, 2024 - 11:15 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • bushpilot

    I don't know about that word, “deserve”. Americans “need” a leader.

    Neither of these two “main” candidates fit the requirements.

    Americans hurt themselves by settling for only the two candidates these two parties put forward.

    If the candidates are continually not “suitable” (i.e. “morons”), Americans should not vote for them.

    If the main candidates suck, then Americans should grow a pair and vote third party.

    Americans are responsible for their candidates. No one “owes” them better candidates.

    They're currently too stupid to understand their responsibilities for their government with no foreseeable change in their idiot induced mindset.

    I am going to vote for Clown #1!! Well, I am going to vote for Clown #2!!

    It is the rest of the world that “deserves” better American candidates, and “deserves” for Americans to be politically responsible thinkers.

    In the debate, Joe Dirt Bag's blithering responses had more substance than the hollow rhetoric responses coming from clear speaking Donald Trump. So, naturally, all Americans think Donald Trump won the debate.

    Clear hollow rhetoric, spoken loudly, beats substance every time with adult Americans.

    Discourse with substance coming from a career dirt bag politician is no encouragement either.

    Unfortunately, and gravely so, Americans are idiots. Look at the caliber of their presidential candidates.

    They don't even know the names of the third party candidates, let alone listen to or consider them.

    Instead, Americans think another former First Lady would work best.

    Well, the inexperience of Donald Trump surely mattered, but it didn't. Former First Lady Hillary Clinton lost. She was a multi-term Senator and a Secretary of State.

    But now, Donald Trump has the experience of being a president. That will not matter against inexperienced former First Lady Michelle Obama. Michelle will win!!

    Quite stupid thinking, all around.

    Again, Americans are morons. Get ready for chaos.

    Jul 04th, 2024 - 05:37 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • FortHay


    You hit the nail on the head. By and large, a country has the government it deserves, especially in nations where an electoral choice is genuine. If the US 'sheeple' vote into office one of these two sockpuppets, they have only themselves to blame for the consequences. My birth country went from the heights of culture to fascism in a generation. I had not imagined that my adoptive nation would spiral from being the land of the free and the home of the brave to this sad remnant of a once proud and responsible people.

    Jul 04th, 2024 - 08:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • imoyaro

    FortHay, as a “historian,” I can only agree with you, sadly...

    Jul 05th, 2024 - 09:20 am - Link - Report abuse 0

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