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Argos Georgia tragedy: air and sea search for missing mariners has resumed

Saturday, July 27th 2024 - 10:55 UTC
Full article 5 comments
On Thursday 25 July, the BFSAI A-400 Atlas aircraft conducted a search of the disaster area and overnight the Maritime Authority received satellite data reports On Thursday 25 July, the BFSAI A-400 Atlas aircraft conducted a search of the disaster area and overnight the Maritime Authority received satellite data reports

On Friday 26 July the Falklands Maritime Authority reported that in the afternoon of Thursday 25 July 2024, the two fishing vessels, the Falklands Robin M Lee and the Chilean Puerto Toro who were involved in the search and rescue operation of survivors from the Argos Georgia arrived into Stanley.

The one surviving crew member was medically assessed by the team from the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, and support was also provided by the Seafarers Mission, they were later transferred to their accommodation in Stanley.

The team from King Edward VII Memorial Hospital are continuing to check on the wellbeing of all survivors and crew.

The bodies of the 9 deceased crew members arrived into Stanley in the afternoon Wednesday, and they are now under the care of the Coroner.

As part of the ongoing recovery effort to find those still at sea, and during a safe weather window on the afternoon of Thursday 25 July, the BFSAI A-400 Atlas aircraft conducted a search of the datum area. Overnight the Maritime Authority received satellite data reports of the area.

As of the morning Friday 26 July a vessel will arrive in the area on Saturday to undertake search operations, a second vessel will also arrive in the next few days to further support this effort.

Reference operations on the afternoon of Wednesday 24 July, Falklands Maritime Authority had reported that FPV Lilibet arrived into Stanley with 13 crew members from the longliner Argos Georgia. All were medically assessed by the team from the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, and support was also provided by the Lighthouse Seamen's Mission. Finally crew members were later transferred to their accommodation in Stanley.

At the same time, the Falkland Islands Government continues to send their thoughts and condolences to all the families involved.

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  • Jack Jones

    Pytangua, you are about as British as ravioli, grow up you silly little troll,

    Jul 27th, 2024 - 01:08 pm +5
  • Falklands-Free

    Pytangyua. I wonder how your mindset would be if you needed life saving assistance and the only people near you were Falkland Islanders.
    You have no respect for anyone but yourself.

    Jul 27th, 2024 - 01:19 pm +4
  • Juan Cervantes

    You have not paid a single penny in tax towards the Falklands Pytangua, only a deluded Argie would make such stupid comments, this is an awful tragedy, show some decency and respect, or is that beyond your comprehension,

    Jul 27th, 2024 - 01:34 pm +4
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