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Argos Georgia tragedy: Falklands government critical of some media coverage

Saturday, July 27th 2024 - 08:24 UTC
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“Throughout this episode there has been a very significant amount of inaccurate information emanating from social media and mainstream media alike” “Throughout this episode there has been a very significant amount of inaccurate information emanating from social media and mainstream media alike”

The long extenuating, overexposed incident and tragedy of longliner Argos Georgia during the week has not been without controversy and as such it was pointed out by the autonomous government of the Falkland Islands, epicenter of the heart breaking situation and recovery operations.

Member of the Legislative Assembly Jack Ford was responsible for a statement, detailing all the actions undertaken from and in the Falklands, regarding Argos Georgia, and how the follow-on phase will continue in such a sensitive issue.

“The follow-on phase is well underway, focused on the needs of both survivors and the deceased - and the families and loved ones of all those caught up in this dreadful event – not forgetting the impact on those involved in the recovery operation.

”On behalf of the Legislative Assembly, we offer heartfelt condolences to those families and loved ones that have suffered bereavement - and a speedy and complete recovery to all those who have suffered during this awful episode.

“We extend fulsome thanks to all those: military and civilian; ashore and afloat; within these islands and overseas, that responded so effectively in this time of need.

But finally, ”throughout this episode there has been a very significant amount of inaccurate information emanating from social media and mainstream media alike. The Falkland Islands Government have been able to release factual information since the incident happened - but that sometimes comes at a cost in terms of speed - as we have to have a level of sensitivity and check what we say with a number of stakeholders in these situations”.

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