With Westminster in recess two delegations of MPs visited the Falkland Islands last week. One of them, was invited by the members of the Falklands elected Legislative Assembly and was made up of Richard Baker MP (Labour, Glenrothes and Mid Fife); Seamus Logan MP (SNP, Aberdeenshire North and Moray East); Jamie Stone MP (Liberal Democrat, Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross); and Andrew Mitchell MP (Conservative, Sutton Coldfield).
The long extenuating, overexposed incident and tragedy of longliner Argos Georgia during the week has not been without controversy and as such it was pointed out by the autonomous government of the Falkland Islands, epicenter of the heart breaking situation and recovery operations.
The Legislative Assembly of the Falkland Islands proudly commemorates Armed Forces Day, the 29th of June, honoring the brave service-people who serve and have served in the Armed Forces. This day is a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by our service members, and an opportunity for the community to express its gratitude and respect for the freedom, democracy and self-determination which the Falkland Islanders are able to enjoy due to these sacrifices.
As part of the Government’s commitment to regularly review and update the criminal law Executive Council has approved policy recommendations and draft legislation which will make a number of changes to the Crimes Ordinance 2014 and the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Ordinance 2014.
Members of the Falkland Islands elected Legislative Assembly will be holding a public meeting on Monday 09th October, 17.00 Court and Assembly Chamber, Town Hall; this will be an open session.
The Falkland Islands government is encouraging residents to become prospective candidates for the By-election of 21 September 2023 to fill a vacant seat for the Camp constituency in the Legislative Assembly, and has released the following,
There is currently an inquiry by UK Parliament into the status of the Overseas Territories in the 21st Century and the Falkland Islands Legislative Assembly intend to make a submission, confirmed MLA Teslyn Barkman to Penguin News this week.
Legislative Assembly Order Paper, 25 January 2023, 09:00
Falkland Islands’ Chair of the Legislative Assembly, MLA Mark Pollard and Deputy Chair MLA Leona Roberts both stood before members of the United Nations Special Committee on Decolonization (C-24) and each delivered a speech which spoke of their personal histories as well as the future of the Falkland Islands as a whole.
Falkland Islands' lawmakers discussed on social media and in the Legislative Assembly late in 2020 a need for a ‘pre-election program’ to encourage members of the public to stand for election as a Member of the Legislative Assembly late in 2021.