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Falklands travelers to benefit with seats for the Ascension/St Helena Airlink

Thursday, August 29th 2024 - 08:18 UTC
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The Falkland Islands Government has informed that an agreement has been signed with Ascension Island Government to guarantee travelers from the Falkland Islands ten seats on each flight connecting Ascension and St Helena – known as the St Helena Airlink. This agreement removes the risk of travelers from the Falklands not being able to book a seat by guaranteeing availability.

To accompany this agreement, FIG has extended its existing arrangement for Airbridge bookings with FIC, so that travelers can book both Airbridge and Airlink flights directly with FIC in one transaction. This should remove the complications of the current situation involving multiple booking parties.

This announcement does not affect current bookings on either the Airbridge or the St Helena Airlink.

Those considering travelling to St Helena via the Airlink should note the following:

1. Both Airbridge and Airlink seats will be released for sale 6 months in advance of the journey date.

2. There is no designated connecting Airbridge flight – travelers can select the one most suitable for them given the type of Ascension Island visa they will apply for (see below) and their own personal travel arrangements.

3. The agreement reached fixes the price of the Airlink fare at £890 for a return ticket, or £445 each way. Payment must be made at the time of the booking. There are no concessionary rates. This is in addition to the Airbridge fare.

Travelling via Ascension to connect to or from the Airlink requires a transit e-visa, which is the responsibility of the travelling party and must be applied for after flights have been booked. Transit visas can be issued for up to 7 days, so connecting flights must arrive and leave within this time period.

The requirements for applying for a transit visa to Ascension are as follows:

1. Proof of flight bookings

2. Proof of accommodation provision on Ascension

3. Proof of travel insurance

Please note that the requirement for a sponsor for the e-visa application does not apply to transit visas. However, this requirement does apply for all other Ascension e-visa applications. This is as per the joint FIG-AIG press release issued in May 2024. This means that only travelers on a transit visa are exempt from the requirement for a sponsor – all other travelers must have one or a visa will not be issued. Travelers should also check the St Helena entry policy before travel.

FIC has updated booking forms, and their agents are able to help prospective travelers to decide on the best travel arrangements. They can be contacted by email: , telephone: +500 27633, or by visiting the West Store offices during working hours.

MLA Mark Pollard said: “MLAs are aware of the vital importance of links between the Falkland Islands and St Helena. This new agreement will support those links, and I hope it will be especially encouraging to Saints living here, who may now find it easier to plan visits to see friends and family.”

Andy Williams, FIC Director, said: “FIC is pleased to be able to support this new arrangement, which is a natural addition to the work we already do in helping those living and working in the Falklands with Airbridge bookings. Our staff are waiting to help anyone thinking of taking this journey.”

This arrangement will be reviewed on at least an annual basis. Any comments on its operation, including ideas for improvements, can be sent to, or addressed to him at Argos House.

According to the Falkland Islands last census, 2021, with figures only recently released the total population of the Islands was 3,662 of which almost 10% or 369, were born in St Helena island.

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