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Montevideo, September 24th 2024 - 13:29 UTC



Busy days for Falklands delegation at the stand in Labour's Conference Liverpool

Tuesday, September 24th 2024 - 10:35 UTC
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A flurry of activity and visits at the Falkland Islands stand at the Labour Party Convention taking place in Liverpool with Members of the Legislative Assembly Leona Roberts and Mark Pollard as hosts with the support from staff of the Falklands Government Office in London.

Despite some alleged blunders leading to strong questioning from the British media involving the top figures of the Labour government, including a list of gifts received by the Labour leader and now Prime Minister Keir Starner, and private holidays in New York of Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner, with negative repercussions in public opinion polls, the Falklands presence at Liverpool has been so far a huge success, with decisive support for the Islands people right to self determination and to develop their economy and resources.

Among the many pictures recorded of personalities' visits to the Falklands' stand, and its vigilant Rockhopper penguin, figure those of Deputy PM Angela Rayner, Defense minister John Healey, Veterans minister Alastair Vernon, Foreign Office minister for Overseas Territories, Stephen Doughty, Hilary Benn, Minister for Northern Ireland, C Thomas MS from Senned Wales (Welsh Parliament), Peter Dowd, chair of the All Party Parliament Group for the Falklands, Lord Ponsomby Defense spokesperson in the upper House

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