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Montevideo, October 5th 2024 - 13:22 UTC



Survey finds Orsi ahead in voting intention to become Uruguay's next president

Saturday, October 5th 2024 - 10:59 UTC
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In every scenario, Orsi seems to be on his way to becoming Lacalle Pou's successor next year In every scenario, Orsi seems to be on his way to becoming Lacalle Pou's successor next year

According to a Usina de Percepción Ciudadana survey released this week in Montevideo, opposition candidate Yamandú Orsi of the Broad Front (Frente Amplio - FA) would defeat Álvaro Delgado of the ruling Multicolor coalition by 6 percentage points. In case of a runoff, Orsi is expected to garner 50% of the vote, the study found between September 27 and 30 from a sample of 500 people.

The FA would have 46% voting intention in October, while on the Multicolor front, Delgado's National Party (Partido Nacional - PN). also the one of incumbent President Luis Lacale Pou, would reach 24%; the Colorado Party (Partido Colorado - PC) would get 13%; Cabildo Abierto (CA) 2% and the Independent Party (Partido Independiente - PI) 1%.

These findings showed little change from the primaries in which the PN dropped from 29% to 23% and the PC rose from 8% to 12% from June to July. When added together, the coalition would have 40% of voting intention, six percentage points behind Orsi.

Swaying voters were also detected to keep representing about 11% of Uruguay's constituency, including that 3% referred to as “undecided coalitionists,” who have not yet made up their minds but know they would be endorsing a Multicolor candidate. Hence, the gap with the FA would be cut down to just three percentage points.

In case of a runoff, Orsi would get 50% of the vote, while Delgado, would reach 40%, with 10% of undecided voters, Usina also found, which was consistent with August's survey.

Categories: Politics, Uruguay.

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