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Montevideo, September 19th 2024 - 10:15 UTC

Stories for 2024

  • Thursday, June 27th 2024 - 09:26 UTC

    Brazil's STF sets 40 grams of marijuana cap between users and traffickers

    Barroso said the STF should set the amount because decisions concerning people's freedom were to be made and a criterion was needed

    Brazil's Supreme Federal Court (STF) ruled Wednesday that 40 grams of marijuana or six female plants of Cannabis sativa was the limit marking the difference between personal consumption and trafficking, Agencia Brasil reported. The understanding was reached after a decision the previous day whereby using the substance for personal recreation or medicinal purposes should not be penalized. At the time, most justices concurred on this issue but disagreed on how to differentiate the two possibilities.

  • Thursday, June 27th 2024 - 09:20 UTC

    OAS General Assembly opening ceremony focuses on Bolivian crisis

    “We respond to evil with good,” Peña stressed

    As all attendees were focused on the ongoing crisis unfolding in Bolivia, Paraguayan President Santiago Peña opened the Organization of American States (OAS) 54th General Assembly in Asunción by highlighting that democracy was the way to fight transnational crime, drug trafficking, and terrorism.

  • Wednesday, June 26th 2024 - 21:47 UTC

    Attempted coup d'état in Bolivia: Military rebels enter Government Headquarters

    Zúñiga, dismissed just a day before the coup attempt, had openly opposed the possibility of former president Evo Morales returning to power

    In a dramatic escalation of political tension in Bolivia, a faction of the military led by ousted Army Chief Juan José Zúñiga has forcefully entered the Palacio Quemado, the seat of government in La Paz. President Luis Arce has called on citizens to “mobilize against the coup d'état,” emphasizing the importance of defending democracy

  • Wednesday, June 26th 2024 - 19:08 UTC

    Assange lands in Canberra after 14-year ordeal

    Assange, 52, deplaned from the executive jet in a dark suit, white shirt, and tie, and with his fist in the air

    WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange finally landed in his native Australia after completing a series of formalities with US authorities in the Mariana Islands. But it was his wife Stella who spoke to the press to celebrate his arrival after a 14-year ordeal which included a spell at Ecuador's Embassy in London plus a stay at the Belmarsh maximum security prison in the British capital. Assange was expected to appear in front of the media after arriving in Canberra on a private flight from Saipan.

  • Wednesday, June 26th 2024 - 18:04 UTC

    Brazil's STF decriminalizes marijuana consumption

    Marijuana consumption will remain an administrative offense until other branches of government agree on the maximum amount marking the difference between personal use and traffic

    Brazil's Supreme Federal Court (STF) issued a ruling Tuesday decriminalizing marijuana consumption for personal use, albeit only in private places. As per Brazil's current legislation dating back to 2006, the unauthorized acquisition or transport of drugs for personal use including marijuana carried penalties. Drug use in public areas has been maintained. Another debate revolved around how much marijuana would signal the difference between users and dealers. The case reached the STF following an appeal filed by a prison inmate hiding 3 grams of marijuana in his cell.

  • Wednesday, June 26th 2024 - 17:33 UTC

    Milei has nothing to apologize to Lula for, says Spokesman Adorni

    Lula and Milei are to attend the July 8 Mercosur Summit in Paraguay unless something happens, Adorni noted

    Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva insisted that he was not talking to his Argentine counterpart Javier Milei until the latter apologized to him and his country for his derogatory remarks during last year's campaign in which the Libertarian leader spoke of a “corrupt Communist” while remaining close to Lula's adversary and then incumbent Jair Bolsonaro.

  • Wednesday, June 26th 2024 - 10:53 UTC

    Mercosur summit first week of July; Brazil and its domestic integration policy

    The relative success of the 33-year-old trade block is still fighting for a major trade and cooperation deal with the European Union, finalized over two decades ago, but facing rejection

    Next month, from Thursday, July 4th to 8th, the Mercosur pro tempore presidency will be handed by Paraguay to Uruguay, at the capital Asunción during the regional presidential summit. On the occasion, Paraguayan president Santiago Peña will be giving the Mercosur presidency to Uruguay's Luis Lacalle Pou. Still, it will be interesting to see how leaders of the two major members, Argentina's ultra-liberal Javier Milei and Brazil's populist Lula da Silva, who are not on talking terms, will approach circumstances if they effectively attend the summit.

  • Wednesday, June 26th 2024 - 10:51 UTC

    Milei's alleged success under questioning from studies measuring people's reality

    The “blue” dollar reached a new all-time high

    While Argentine President Javier Milei tours the world boasting his administration's success in curbing inflation, local reports underscore deteriorating living conditions for most people in his country which seems to be heading for hyper-recession.

  • Wednesday, June 26th 2024 - 10:50 UTC

    Three icebergs sighted off Ushuaia

    These icebergs usually melt down as they “enter warmer waters,” a PNA Officer explained

    Argentina's Coast Guard (Prefectura Naval Argentina - PNA) alerted all sailing ships this week of three icebergs near Ushuaia and advised them to avoid all unnecessary approaching these ice floes, of which only 10% is visible on the surface. The first detection was reported last Saturday by the Argentine-flagged fishing vessel Echizen Maru and the latest spotting came through on Monday at the Beagle Channel exit into the open sea.

  • Wednesday, June 26th 2024 - 10:47 UTC

    Argentina's Security Minister warns against reporting on child's disappearance

    Confidentiality is paramount from now on, Bullrich warned

    Argentina's Security Minister Patricia Bullrich announced Tuesday that “strong sanctions” would be applied to anyone releasing any information regarding the disappearance of 5-year-old Loan Danilo Peña, a child in the province of Corrientes who went missing when allegedly searching for oranges in a local field and is now believed to have been abducted for human trafficking. The case splashed the Libertarian administration of President Javier Milei after a person of that political allegiance was arrested.