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Montevideo, September 16th 2024 - 18:56 UTC

Stories for 2024

  • Monday, May 6th 2024 - 20:24 UTC

    Rich Chinese beef consumers are becoming more aware of traceability and Amazon deforestation

    Respondents would pay 22.5% more for Brazilian meat if it came with assurances that it was sourced from cattle raised in zero-deforestation areas.

    A survey conducted in Beijing and Shanghai between two renowned academic groups in China and Brazil, revealed that some Chinese consumers are willing to pay more for beef, provided it is not linked to deforestation in the Amazon and have a budding interest in traceability.

  • Monday, May 6th 2024 - 18:52 UTC

    No diplomatic conflict between Argentina and Spain following Minister's remarks about Milei

    Adorni stressed the matter should not escalate any further

    Spain's Government Monday ruled out any diplomatic conflict with Argentina after Transport Minister Oscar Puente's derogatory remarks last week against Javier Milei, whose spokesman Manuel Adorni said in Buenos Aires that “for us, it is a settled issue.”

  • Monday, May 6th 2024 - 15:50 UTC

    Uruguay: National Party leader arrested for fabricating assault claims against candidate Orsi

    Orsi (left) told reporters that he and his lawyers will go to the “bottom” of the issue because they suspect that this media stunt was put together by someone who is “behind” Papasso (right).

    In Uruguay, the unfolding saga surrounding the allegations against former Canelones department (province) mayor and current Presidential pre-candidate for the Broad Front (Frente Amplio), Yamandú Orsi, has taken a dramatic turn as Romina Celeste Papasso, a leader of the National Party (Partido Nacional), was arrested on Monday for fabricating false accusations against Orsi. Furthermore, an arrest warrant has been issued for Paula Díaz, the trans woman who initially filed the criminal complaint against Orsi.

  • Monday, May 6th 2024 - 10:49 UTC

    Rio Grande do Sul floods getting worse every day

    Key parts of the city of Porto Alegre have been shut down due to flooding (Pic EFE)

    According to the latest report from Civil Defense, the number of casualties in the Brazilian State of Rio Grande do Sul since the first storms hit on April 29 have already reached 78 people, with 105 others still missing and 175 injured.

  • Monday, May 6th 2024 - 10:24 UTC

    Air services in Argentina to be affected by workers' strike

    “If flights are canceled, it will not be the responsibility of the workers,” warned ATE General Secretary Rodolfo Aguiar

    Airline services might be disrupted Monday at 24 Argentine airports on Monday as workers plan to hold assemblies between 8 and 11 am to protest against some of the latest measures announced by the Libertarian administration of President Javier Milei and also in anticipation of others that may come into force should the so-called Omnibus Law bill be passed by the Senate after the Lower House's nod last week.

  • Monday, May 6th 2024 - 10:20 UTC

    Federal gov't to rebuild Rio Grande do Sul's roads, says Lula

    “Bureaucracy will not stand in the way of us recovering the greatness of this state,” said Lula

    Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva announced Sunday that the Federal government would provide the funding for the reconstruction of every road in the State of Rio Grande do Sul destroyed by the storms, be them national or local, Agência Brasil reported. The head of state also pledged to reduce the bureaucracy involved in the work.

  • Monday, May 6th 2024 - 08:34 UTC

    Legendary Argentine football coach César Menotti dies aged 85

    Menotti coached Argentina to the world title in 1978 and was manager of all national teams at the FA at the time of his death

    César Luis Menotti, the man who coached Argentina to their first World Cup title in 1978 at home and was in charge of the Argentine Football Association (AFA) management that put together the team that won the Qatar 2022 version, died Sunday in Buenos Aires, aged 85. Menotti had been hospitalized weeks ago with a severe anemia but was discharged days later.

  • Monday, May 6th 2024 - 08:04 UTC

    Milei lands in LA for gathering with world personalities

    Milei will be the only sitting head of state attending the event also featuring Bill Clinton, Theresa May and Elon Musk among others

    Argentine President Javier Milei arrived in Los Angeles Sunday to participate at Milken Institute's global conference too be staged Monday at the Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills bringing together a series of world political and business leaders. It is Milei's fourth trip to the United States since winning the elections and third since he took office.

  • Sunday, May 5th 2024 - 12:03 UTC

    Campaign in several US states to ban sale of lab-grown “cultivated” meat

     Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has banned lab-grown meat, saying he will “save our beef” from the “global elite” and its “authoritarian plans”.

    Several US states, spear headed by Florida are on a campaign to ban the sale and distribution of lab-grown or “cultivated” meat. The process of making cultivated meat involves extracting cells from an animal, which are then fed with nutrients such as proteins, sugars and fats, and they were first cleared for consumption in the US in 2022. The end product is genetically indistinguishable from traditionally produced meat.

  • Sunday, May 5th 2024 - 11:23 UTC

    IAATO appoints John McKeon as Executive Committee and Chair

    McKeon has been involved in responsible Antarctic travel since 2004 and an active member of IAATO since 2010.

    The International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO) has appointed John McKeon as Executive Committee (EC) Chair and welcomed Brandon Harvey and Jørn Henriksen to the top team during this year’s annual meeting.