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Montevideo, September 20th 2024 - 07:22 UTC

Stories for 2024

  • Thursday, March 14th 2024 - 10:59 UTC

    Rift between Milei and Villarruel goes public over DNU Senate debate

    “The Executive Branch reaffirms its unwavering commitment to the 0% deficit, leaving behind the failed recipes of the political caste,” Milei said in a tone Villarruel disapproved of

    Argentine President Javier Milei Wednesday cautioned Vice President Victoria Villarruel and a group of Senators as they were about to debate the most encompassing emergency decree (DNU) 70/2023 which liberalizes the economy but needs Parliamentarian approval (or silence) to remain in force.

  • Thursday, March 14th 2024 - 10:46 UTC

    New guidelines on use of firearms issued to tackle violence in Rosario

    Bullrich's new regulations repeal all previous ministerial resolutions and provisions regarding the use of weapons

    Argentine authorities issued a new set of guidelines regarding the use of firearms by federal law enforcement forces deployed to curb gang violence in the city of Rosario, it was reported Wednesday in Buenos Aires as the measure was to be released in Thursday's edition of the Official Gazette.

  • Thursday, March 14th 2024 - 10:40 UTC

    Brazil: Non-pregnant mothers in same-sex unions entitled to “paternity” leave

    “The leave is also intended to protect adoptive mothers and non-pregnant mothers in same-sex unions,” Fux said

    Brazil's Supreme Federal Court (STF) ruled that non-pregnant women in same-sex unions are entitled to “paternity” leave, Agencia Brasil reported Wednesday. The rationale is to be applied to all similar cases, it was also determined.

  • Thursday, March 14th 2024 - 09:00 UTC

    Further mines clearance plan begins in the Falkland Islands

    A batch of mines were located at Hell’s Kitchen, the Murrell Peninsula, north of Stanley in November 2023,

    Following the initial on-site examination of the area, where a number of mines were discovered in November 2023 at Hell’s Kitchen, located on the Murrell Peninsula, north of Stanley, Guy Marot OBE, Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Advisor on behalf of Fenix Insight Limited presented a comprehensive Clearance Plan which has been agreed by the Falkland Islands Government, FIG.

  • Thursday, March 14th 2024 - 08:51 UTC

    European Parliament approves Media Freedom Act, limiting governments' interference

    “The significance of media plurality for a functioning democracy cannot be stressed enough,” said the German MEP.

    The European Media Freedom Act passed by the European Parliament  is designed to protect the editorial independence and journalistic sources across the European Union. States will also have to spend publicity expenditure using “public, proportionate and non-discriminatory criteria.”

  • Thursday, March 14th 2024 - 08:26 UTC

    “We want a good relationship with Argentina, but will never negotiate Falkland Islanders rights”

    “My right honorable Friend the Foreign Secretary reassured the Islanders about our enduring commitment during his welcome visit to the Falkland Islands last month,” David Rutley

    ”The UK Government will always protect and promote the Falkland Islanders’ right of self-determination and only they can decide their future. We want a good relationship with Argentina, but have been very clear that we will never negotiate away the Islanders’ democratic rights. My right honorable Friend the Foreign Secretary (Lord David Cameron) reassured the Islanders about our enduring commitment during his welcome visit to the Falkland Islands last month,“ David Rutley, Under Secretary for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, replied to questions from Parliament members on Tuesday, who asked ”What steps he is taking to uphold the Falkland Islanders right to self determination?.

  • Thursday, March 14th 2024 - 08:12 UTC

    UK will ban foreign states from owing UK newspapers and news magazines

    The action follows on the proposed takeover of the Daily Telegraph and Spectator by a United Arab Emirates-backed investment firm, RedBird IMI.

    The British government will ban foreign states from owning UK newspapers and news magazines, the government has said. The action follows on the proposed takeover of the Daily Telegraph and Spectator by a United Arab Emirates-backed investment firm, RedBird IMI.

  • Thursday, March 14th 2024 - 08:10 UTC

    Anticorruption hotline in Britain to control wrongdoings by the Metropolitan Police

    The hotline Crimestoppers was launched following a series of scandals, which resulted in 728 Met Police-led investigations.

    With the help of the service Crimestoppers the British government has launched a nationwide anti-corruption hotline to report corruption in the Metropolitan Police and help Londoners recover the trust in the force. First launched in November 2022, the hotline it has received some 3,000 online reports and calls.

  • Wednesday, March 13th 2024 - 21:11 UTC

    Argentine Supreme Court Justice favors autonomous agency to tackle drug trafficking

    “There is an organized crime and a disorganized State” to fight drug trafficking, Lorenzetti explained

    Argentine Supreme Court Justice Ricardo Lorenzetti has insisted that the fight against drug trafficking and the bloodshed it causes should be entrusted to an office that transcends political mandates. Lorenzetti, from the city of Rafaela in the province of Santa Fe, which includes the violence-torn city of Rosario, said that the creation of the National Anti-Drug Trafficking Agency would be promoted by the judiciary.

  • Wednesday, March 13th 2024 - 20:25 UTC

    Lufthansa flight makes emergency landing in Rosario

    A Boeing 747 in Rosario is a rare occurrence

    The comparably small “Islas Malvinas” Airport in Fisherton, outside the Argentine city of Rosario, was shocked Tuesday when a Lufthansa Boeing 747-830 landed there amid numerous shiftings to alternate destinations with Buenos Aires' air terminals closed due to heavy rains.