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Montevideo, September 20th 2024 - 02:34 UTC

Stories for 2024

  • Friday, July 5th 2024 - 10:33 UTC

    Milei creates Ministry of Deregulation and Transformation of the State

    Presidential Advisor Sturzenegger has been chosen for the new position

    The Government of Argentina announced Thursday the creation of a Ministry of Deregulation and Transformation of the State to be headed by Economist and former Central Bank (BCRA) President Federico Sturzenegger, who will be sworn in Friday.

  • Friday, July 5th 2024 - 09:17 UTC

    Brazil's Federal Police files case against Bolsonaro

    Despite the latest developments, Bolsonaro's arrest is not to be requested in the near future

    Brazil's Federal Police (PF) accused former President Jair Bolsonaro on Thursday of money laundering and conspiracy to commit a crime in the attempted misappropriation of jewelry gifted by Saudi Arabia while he was in office.

  • Friday, July 5th 2024 - 06:43 UTC

    Brazil has opened its market for Australian mutton and lamb

    Uruguayan farmers face difficulties selling the wool clip, and access to traditional Arab countries for live sheep and meat has become quite challenging

    Despite Mercosur partners with significant flocks, Brazil has reopened its market for Australian mutton and lambt, including sheep meat by-products and edible offal, the Australian Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry announced this week.

  • Thursday, July 4th 2024 - 21:59 UTC

    Bolivia's Senate passes Mercosur accession bill

    President Luis Arce Catacora must now sign the country's accession to the Southern Common Market into law

    Bolivia's Senate passed late Wednesday the landlocked country's full Southern Common Market (Mercosur) membership which is thus up for President Luis Arce Catacora to be signed into law. The Lower House approved the initiative on June 14, which would give the head of state to participate in the July 8 Summit in Asunción from a new perspective.

  • Thursday, July 4th 2024 - 19:49 UTC

    Internet becomes a basic service in Chile

    The measure applies only to fixed home services, Araya explained

    Internet access has become a basic service in Chile just like drinking water, sanitation, and electricity, which renders it eligible for subsidies and other government-sponsored forms of assistance, it was reported from Santiago on Thursday.

  • Thursday, July 4th 2024 - 19:24 UTC

    Labour's landslide victory believed imminent

    Sir Keir Starmer is the frontrunner to become the next tenant at 10 Downing Street

    Britain's Labour Party seemed poised to grab a decisive majority of around 270 MP posts in Thursday's snap elections as turnout surpassed even the most optimistic of expectations, it was reported from London.

  • Thursday, July 4th 2024 - 10:05 UTC

    Uruguay to hold plebiscite on social security

    The initiative seeks to add to the Constitution the legal retirement age (60) and the worth of minimum pensions

    Uruguay's Electoral Court has validated the required signatures therefore the South American country will be holding a plebiscite on social security concurrently with the Oct. 27 presidential elections, it was announced in Montevideo. The authorities said Wednesday that 276,167 signatures had been reached (10% of the citizens registered to vote).

  • Thursday, July 4th 2024 - 09:55 UTC

    What can be expected on 4 July, Labour landslide or Conservative cataclysm

    Keir Starmer, leader of a renewed Labour party

    This Thursday's 4 general election in the United Kingdom could prove catastrophic for the Conservative Party and influence its future evolution. After 14 years in office, the Tories appear destined for what experts call the worst general election result in its 190-year history. The dimensions of this defeat would be such that, according to the polls, the current prime minister Rishi Sunak could even become the first head of government to lose his seat in the Commons.

  • Thursday, July 4th 2024 - 09:42 UTC

    Only Michelle Obama could defeat Donald Trump, poll shows

    Michelle Obama has made no suggestion that she would be willing to run

    After US President Joseph Biden's lackluster performance in the debate against his predecessor Donald Trump prompted numerous cries for his stepping down from this year's elections, a recent Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll showed that only former First Lady Michelle Obama could bring a Democratic ticket to victory on Nov. 5.

  • Wednesday, July 3rd 2024 - 23:55 UTC

    Freezing temperatures in Falklands sponsor ice hockey revolution, but also burst pipes

    Hockey players taking advantage of the winter weather to gain some “on ice” experience! No ice rink in the Islands, so opportunities like this cannot be missed!

    Extreme low temperatures in the Falkland Islands have given a chance for hockey players and fans to practice on frozen ponds, which is the good side of the climate situation, but the Public Works Department Water Section has also advised the public about water usage which “at this time is fairly high”.