In the midst of persistent chaos in airports Brazilian President Lula da Silva accused airlines of overbooking flights during Christmas while in one incident in Sao Paulo furious travellers stormed a runway to prevent a commercial jet from taking off.
Varig, Brazil's former flagship carrier, has been forced to leave the Star Alliance, in a move that could leave the world's largest airline grouping without a Latin American partner for 18 months or more.
Chaos returned to Brazil's airports Thursday, with passengers occupying runways and aircraft to protest delayed and cancelled flights, local media reported. The National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) said 44 per cent of Thursday's 1,227 scheduled flights were delayed by more than an hour and more than 40 flights were cancelled.
Brazil's Supreme Court (Supreme Federal Tribunal) ruled Tuesday that a decision by congressional leaders to almost double the salaries of senators and representatives must be put to a vote in Congress.
Brazilian manufacturers expressed Tuesday their frustration given the absence of an official reforms agenda to help thrust economic growth next year which is forecasted to be in the range of 3.5%.
Petrobras began operating this week a new oil rig with an estimated initial daily production of 15.000 barrels of heavy oil, 17 degrees API in the Jubarte field off Espirito Santo state, according to a release from the corporation.