The chairman of the Argentine Lower House Foreign Affairs Committee, Guillermo Carmona said that the recent ‘Ushuaia Declaration’ claiming sovereignty over the Falklands/Malvinas Islands will be posted to all Parliaments world-wide to ratify and further advance Argentina’s position in the dispute.
The UK’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Jeremy Browne arrives Monday in Chile for a two day visit and has scheduled a meeting with President Sebastián Piñera. The event consequently takes place just before Argentine President Cristina Fernández official visit on March 15 and in the lead up to the 30th anniversary of the Malvinas War.
The UK Foreign Office informed on Friday that John Freeman has been appointed new Ambassador to Argentina to replace outgoing Ambassador Shan Morgan, who has held the post since 2008.
FOR the Falklands to be short of bananas as a result of Argentina’s bully-boy blockade and trade restrictions is understandable. For Argentina to run out of bananas you’d think would be impossible in a sub-continent which grows millions of them. But a few weeks ago, they had no bananas in Buenos Aires shops. Only the incompetent Argentines could achieve the impossible. It’s not just bananas they are slipping up on.
Serious incidents broke out on Thursday in the Argentine Patagonia port of Comodoro Rivadavia when a British flagged cargo vessel docked to load cement and were met with anti British-Falklands protestors.
By Robert Cox (*) - Charleston, South Carolina - The misbegotten war over the Islands that need not be named has reversed the concept that war is a continuation of politics or diplomacy by other means. The conflict continues in political and diplomatic terms in Argentina and in Britain. Lost in the clamour is the key to the solution: the interests of the native Islanders.
In his memoirs, former UK Defence Secretary Sir John Nott describes France as Britain's greatest ally during the Falklands War. However, formerly secret papers and other evidence seen by the BBC show that was not the full story. Before the war, France sold Argentina's military junta five Exocet missiles.
Morrissey's band performed in front of 15,000 fans in Argentina wearing “We Hate William and Kate” T-shirts, courting further controversy over his stance on the Falkland Islands.
The European Union has called on Argentina to respect international trade commitments, following on the announcement by the Minister of Industry to boycott the purchase of imports originating in the UK in an escalating row over the Falklands.
President Cristina Fernandez announced that Argentina will request the review of the South Atlantic fisheries agreement, because the UK and the Falklands are not abiding by the ‘protocols’ signed in the early nineties.