Headlines: ‘A step back for the West’ - SAAS is forced to drop Fox Bay from its schedule; Will Falklands Landholdings split up its farms?; Shackleton joins Ross and Fitzroy at school; Islander abroad honoured.
Last week’s Penguin News carried an article by John Fowler, “War veteran publishes little known stories”, about the account by Colonel Tamaño entitled “Historias poco conocidas: Un ferrocarril en las Malvinas” [“Little-known stories: A railway in the Malvinas”], published recently on the Argentine army website soldadosdigital.com.
According to the Falkland Islands Tourist Board, overnight visitors spent an estimated £3.2 million in the Falkland Islands in 2008.
WITH one or two significant exceptions, like the notorious Major Patricio Dowling, our invaders in 1982 were largely anonymous to the citizens of
Stanley, particularly the ordinary soldiers in their helmets and flapping rubber ponchos.
Britain stands by its decision to issue postage stamps from the disputed territories of and around the Falkland Islands, according to a letter to the UN secretary-general made public at the United Nations Headquarters in New York this week.
Headlines: Padgett reveals Budget, Deficit announced in line with amended Medium Term Financial Plan; Next of kin to fly in for inauguration;13 year-old supports local team; May Ball colour supplement.
The UK Embassy in Buenos Aires has announced that UK and Argentine Government have decided to facilitate the initiative of the Commission of the Families of the Fallen to inaugurate the Memorial in Darwin Cemetery on the Falklands Islands.
The last surviving operational Royal Navy warship which took part in the Falkland Islands conflict of 1982 retires from service tomorrow (Wednesday May 27).
North Falkland basin explorer Rockhopper Exploration has reclassified a previous exploration well drilled by Shell in 1998, as a gas discovery and as a result has claimed the first discovery in the Falkland Islands.
Headlines: Captain Miller back at the helm after 30 years; Landing Day commemorated; Councillors prepare to set difficult budget; May Ball tonight.