The Upland Goose hotel, which accommodated senior Argentine Military officers in 1982, and then welcomed British journalists who accompanied Mrs Thatcher's Task Force which liberated the Islands, is on the market.
Two Royal Navy ships returned to Portsmouth within hours of each other after long deployments to the South Atlantic.
Argentine Malvinas veterans are thinking of chartering a vessel to travel to the Falkland Islands for the inauguration of the recently finished Memorial in Darwin, if the Islanders won't allow us to charter a flight, reports Clarín from Buenos Aires.
Provision of additional funds and proposals to the put forward to the forthcoming budget were approved by the Falkland Islands Standing Finance Committee in its April 30 meeting. The additional funds include £19,500 for a new edition of laws and £150,000 for medical treatment overseas.
FALKLANDS fishing companies are this week showcasing the ?new look' Falkland Islands Exhibition Stand at the Seafood Expo in Brussels, Belgium.
Experts worried by ?tampered' explosives; Visiting Magistrate for the Falklands?; We're going to the Games.
News in brief: Pampuro describes military build up; BFFI becomes BFSAI.
Headlines :
Santa Cruz conditions licence renewal ; EU loses patience and increases blue whiting TAC; China and Chile to discuss; Scientists highlight problem of by-catch; EU bans tuna and swordfish from five countries; Spain takes 20% of European Seafood Exposition; Successful breeding of freshwater shrimp.
Overseas Territories meeting in London; Tories solid rock behind Gibraltar; U.N. decolonization seminar in Papua New Guinea; Cruise controversy: UK diplomatic protest; Gibraltar Labour deplores Macshane's remarks.
Falklands Teams preparing for it's first ever Commonwealth Young Games.
Sir Rex Hunt; British Forces Falkland Islands; HMS Sheffield;Falkland Islands Defences Forces; EOD; Tourist.