One of Lan Chile's top officials was summoned this Monday to a Santiago court for the company's alleged involvement in a physical discrimination case presented by a passenger who last October 26 was impeded from taking a domestic flight to Santiago.
A group of Brazilian scientists will be satellite monitoring five Jubarte whales (humpback or black whales, megaptera novaengliae) in their travel from the coast of Rio do Janeiro to Antarctic waters.
Gibraltar's Government House announced Monday that Princess Anne will be carrying out her first official visit to Gibraltar in the coming spring in coincidence with the 300th anniversary of British Gibraltar.
The remote islands of Ascension, St Helena and Tristan da Cunha in the Atlantic, and pristine coral atolls in the Indian Ocean are just some of the unique habitats in the UK's Overseas Territories which stand to benefit from a new £3 million cash fund designed to save precious eco-systems from destruction, it was announced today.
Cable and Wireless, the UK-based telecommunications operator, on Monday said it would use bankruptcy laws to exit its ailing US business, selling the US assets to Gores Technology for $125m.
These are mostly structured towards Caribbean policy. This is the first time that Governors have been invited to the OTCC.
Great Britain reiterated this Sunday that none of the Royal Navy vessels sunk during the 1982 South Atlantic conflict with Argentina carried nuclear weapons.
Stricter management of coastal fisheries; Chilean salmon exports targeted to increase 10%; Galician canners justify overseas investments;
The Royal Navy will be granted the Freedom of the City of Gibraltar as part of the celebrations of the Rock's Tercentenary year in 2004. Gibraltar Chief Minister Peter Caruana made announcement during the official opening of the Gibraltar Heritage Trust exhibition The Capture of Gibraltar.
Argentine president Nestor Kirchner demanded apologies from the United Kingdom following the revelation that British vessels carried nuclear weapons during the South Atlantic war of 1982.