Bill Rammell MP, Overseas Territories Minister, is hosting the fifth Overseas Territories Consultative Council (OTCC) starting on 8 December at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The event will be attended by Chief Ministers (and equivalents) of Britain's Overseas Territories.
British surface warships during the 1982 South Atlantic conflict with Argentina carried nuclear depth charges but the weapons never entered territorial waters of any Latinamerican country and a decision not to use the weapons was made before the ships left for the Falkland Islands, confirmed this Friday the British Ministry of Defence.
Gibraltar's Integration with Britain Movement (IWBM) Chairman Joe Caruana has appealed to Chief Minister Peter Caruana to present the option of integration to the British Government at the forthcoming Conference of Overseas Territories in London, stressing that good UN options are worth fighting for.
Hospital review to follow inquest; Darwin memorial: no contract signed yet; Montevideo air link?; Cruise ships Calling.
Security and good governance of the United Kingdom's Overseas Territories is one of the eight international strategic priorities identified in the British Government White Paper that sets the overall strategy of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office over the next five to ten years.
Chile, Australia, Namibia, New Zealand and Britain have agreed the creation of a task group at ministerial level to address illegal fishing in the high seas, according to sources from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, (OECD), with main offices in Paris.
A monument and plaque to the memory of an Argentine Air Force pilot shot down in May 1982 during the South Atlantic conflict were unveiled this week in the town of Tres Arroyos, Buenos Aires province.
The Falklands population has been reassured by a British Foreign Official, that there will be no direct air link between Buenos Aires and the Islands, without the approval of the 8 elected members of the Legislature.
ENAP becomes a major Pacific refinery; Magallanes unemployment remains steady; Torres del Paine Park temporarily closed.
The national fishing authorities have authorised the Argentine fleet to fish squid outside the 200 miles Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) beginning 15 December. The measure will last until mid February, when the vessels will be able to enter Argentine waters to continue squid fishery.