Spanish Minister of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs (MARM), Elena Espinosa reiterated her government’s commitment to ensure the sustainability of marine resources and deemed it “crucial” to forge “rules of the game” that ensure “a sustainable management” in the international arena.
SOUTH Georgia has been marked as the third highest scoring fishery in the world in terms of good management.
FALKLANDS delegates at an important fisheries conference in Spain were infuriated this morning by an Argentine protest against their participation. The First World Summit on Fishing Sustainability is taking place in Baiona, Pontevedra.
The squid (Illex argentinus) season in Argentine waters closed with one of the worst records in recent history. Official statistics reveal that 61,249.4 tons were landed between January 1 and September 4, equivalent to 24.3% of the 251,892.7 tons landed between January and September 11 of 2008.
91 FAO Members have agreed on an international agreement to implement “port state measures” to combat illegal fishing.
Argentina’s lack of action with regard to over fishing in its own waters and on the high seas was described as “environmentally irresponsible” at the fisheries sector of a public presentation on the Falklands Environmental Development Strategy (EDS) last week.
Two Argentine vessels illegally fishing in Uruguayan waters were arrested over the weekend by a fisheries patrol from the Navy. The vessels had 90 tons of yellow croaker in their holds.
With only two weeks left, Argentina is facing the worst squid season in years forcing jiggers to abandon the fisheries given the poor catches.
FALKLANDS Fishery Patrol Vessel Protegat is ready for action since a refit that not only brings the vessel up to UK Maritime Coastguard standards but enhances her fishery protection and research capabilities.On August 16, Protegat returned from Montevideo, Uruguay following a two month re-fit.
AFTER eighteen months without a research vessel, the Fisheries Department (FIFD) will be back on the water in October 2009 with a survey in the western parts of the FICZ. The survey will examine the distribution and abundance of hoki and Patagonian hake returning to their feeding grounds after spawning in Argentinean and Chilean waters.