MercoPress, en Español

Montevideo, July 26th 2024 - 23:36 UTC


  • Tuesday, March 27th 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Fresh fish flown to Vigo from Mauritania and Brazil

    President of APV, Abel Caballero, said he hoped to position Vigo as number one for fresh fish globally.

    President of Vigo Port Authority (APV) Abel Caballero, announced the signing of an agreement with the Iberia Cargo company for transporting fresh fish from the faraway fishing grounds of Morocco and Brazil to the Port of Vigo.

  • Thursday, March 22nd 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Falkland Islands Fisheries Director revokes Jih Da Gan licence

    “The Falkland Islands Government views any abuse or maltreatment of fishing vessel crews very seriously and, in addition to considering issues of criminal liability, where appropriate, will take any action available to it as necessary to ensure that the responsibilities for the efficient management of the fishery on behalf of the Falkland Islands are properly discharged.”

  • Monday, March 19th 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    ”Old fishing law needed updating,' says Falklands' Fisheries Director

    Falkland Island Fisheries Director John Barton said several reasons prompted the establishment of a fishery rights system.

    Government representatives from Argentina and the United Kingdom met in Buenos Aires during 14 - 15 March to analyse activities of the South Atlantic Fisheries Commission (SAFC), a request for bilateral co-operation favouring the conservation of fishing resources in that region.

  • Saturday, March 17th 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Drastic measures in Chile for common hake conservation

    Chile decided the implementation of a conservation and recovery plan for (hubbsi) common hake following a survey which warns about the species “conservation high risk” and particularly the threat to “future renewal” in the country's main fisheries.

  • Monday, March 12th 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Countries agree tighter port controls to combat illegal fishing

    131 countries plus the European Commission participated in COFI

    A large group of countries attending a high level meeting on world fisheries in Rome have agreed to start a process leading to the adoption of a legally binding international agreement establishing control measures in ports where fish is landed, transhipped or processed in order to combat illegal fishing, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO, announced Monday.

  • Monday, March 5th 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    FAO sounds alarm on some high-seas fish stocks

    According to the last FAO report by SOFIA, 17% of their monitored species are over-fished

    The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) on Monday voiced “serious concern” over a number of species of fish caught on the high seas and called for better monitoring and management of the stocks.

  • Thursday, March 1st 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Chilean scientists to record blue whales “conversations”

    Scientists record whale conversations

    Marine Biologists from Chile's Blue Whale Center (CBA) have embarked on a new project to record the noises made by endangered blue whales off the coast of southern Chile. They hope to use their recordings to identify individual whales and learn more about how whales communicate with each other.

  • Wednesday, February 28th 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Japan cuts short 2006/07 Antarctic whale hunt season

    Japanese whalers have officially called off their annual Antarctic whale hunt following a devastating fire aboard the fleet's mother ship. Japan's Institute for Cetacean Research (ICR) has released a statement saying the whaling ships were on their way home early.

  • Saturday, February 24th 2007 - 20:00 UTC

    Falklands Councillor voices human rights concerns

    As has been already reported in Penguin News, the Falkland Islands' (Malvinas) weekly newspaper, two crewmen are missing, presumed dead, after jumping into Stanley Harbour in an attempt to escape from a Taiwanese fishing boat, the Jih Da Gan. Eight companions were rescued by emergency services and have been helping local police with their enquiries.

  • Friday, February 23rd 2007 - 20:00 UTC

    Toothfish season hampered by ice

    Fifteen longliners fishing on the 3,000-tonne CCAMLR toothfish quota have all now left the fishery areas around Antarctica. Many vessels have experienced a season of difficult fishing conditions due to excessive ice.