The President of the Chilean Salmon Industry Association A.G. (SalmonChile), Cesar Barros, rejected comments from several sectors including environmentalists, regarding alleged responsibilities of the industry in the missing persons as a result of the earthquake in Aysen, Saturday April 21st.
One way or another the salmon farms currently operating in the Aysén Fjord (Region XI) must be relocated, President Michelle Bachelet told reporters on Tuesday, three days after a 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck the area, killing at least 10 people — several of them salmon farm workers.
Argentina's Under Secretary of Fisheries and Aquaculture announced toothfish quotas for the 2007 season of 1.750 tons, according to Resolution 132/2007, according to La Prensa de Santa Cruz.
One crew member dead and eight disappeared is the primary balance of a fire which broke out Friday night in the Faeroe Islands flagged factory vessel BF Hercules, operating 280 nautical miles south east of Ancud, (next to Puerto Montt) reported Saturday morning a release from the Chilean Navy.
Representatives from 22 countries will meet in Chile's coastal town of Reñaca, Region V, at the end of this month to discuss creation of a regulatory body to monitor fishing in the South Pacific. The fishing industry †represented by Sonapesca †is expected to agree with ecologists on the need to limit currently unrestricted fishing of scad (horse mackerel) in the Pacific's open waters.
The decrease in common hake (Merluccius hubbsi) landings in the port of Mar del Plata, Argentina, is generating unease and concern among the owners of various processing plants because of the lack of sufficient fish.
Fears of major environmental damage, prompted by the news that a Taiwanese fishing vessel the HWA JAAN 161 had grounded off one of the Falkland Islands' prime natural visitor attractions, have somewhat abated today in the light of the latest reports.
Argentine icebreaker Almirante Irizar which caught fire last Tuesday in the South Atlantic remained on Monday anchored 140 miles off Puerto Madryn waiting for an improvement in weather conditions so she can be towed to Puerto Belgrano.
The Falkland Islands Fisheries Department has been preparing its case for the continued allowance of controlled trawling on the high seas.
After some modifications were applied, the House of Representatives approved on Wednesday, 11 April, a draft law consisting of tougher sanctions on fishing companies that have interests in Argentine waters and operate in the Falkland waters.