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Montevideo, September 21st 2024 - 17:39 UTC


  • Monday, June 23rd 2008 - 21:00 UTC

    Oil summit: more investment needed for “adequate” supply

    Leading oil exporters have acknowledged the need to boost supplies to curb soaring prices but stopped short of specific commitments on extra output. Following their week end crisis summit in Saudi Arabia, officials noted price levels were “hostile” and more investment was needed to ensure “adequate” supplies.

  • Sunday, June 22nd 2008 - 21:00 UTC

    EU admits Czechs have become another Irish problem

    European Union leaders have admitted that the Czech Republic may not be able to ratify the Lisbon Treaty, which has already been rejected by the Irish. The declaration from their summit in Brussels notes that the Czech process is on hold due to legal difficulties.

  • Sunday, June 22nd 2008 - 21:00 UTC

    EU plans hiking aid per fishing vessel to help with fuel cost

    The European Parliament (EP) on Thursday proposed increasing fishing sector aid up to EUR 100,000 (from 30.000 EUR) per vessel, instead of per company – as is the case today - in order to alleviate the effect of rising fuel prices.

  • Saturday, June 21st 2008 - 21:00 UTC

    Oil prices challenge divide EU: new plan next October

    European Union leaders have agreed to a 3-month study to find ways of cushioning the impact of soaring energy prices on the region's citizens. At an energy summit in Brussels, ministers discussed plans to ease the pain of record oil and gas prices on consumers and companies.

  • Friday, June 20th 2008 - 21:00 UTC

    Gibraltar Minister not returning before “irrelevant” C24

    Chief Minister Peter Caruana

    Gibraltar's Chief Minister Peter Caruana 13th appearance before the United Nations General Assembly Special Committee of 24 was his last. In a dramatic turn of events on Wednesday he robustly indicated that it was pointless to keep returning because the Committee of 24 had never acted on Gibraltar's behalf but had always chosen and continued to be silent.

  • Thursday, June 19th 2008 - 21:00 UTC

    China hikes fuel prices 18% causing petroleum to drop

    China, the world's second-largest consumer of oil, is to raise the price of petrol and diesel by 18%. The move, which could depress demand for oil from the fast-growing economy, caused the price of crude to fall 4 US dollars.

  • Thursday, June 19th 2008 - 21:00 UTC

    EU summit undecided over the Irish vote aftermath

    European Union leaders meeting in Brussels refused to set a deadline for a deal on the stalled Lisbon Treaty after its rejection by the Irish and insisted that real issues as Europe's economic situation are the priority.

  • Wednesday, June 18th 2008 - 21:00 UTC

    UN approves extension of human rights protection

    The top United Nations human rights official has hailed the adoption of a new legal instrument which will enable people to submit complaints on violations of their economic, social and cultural rights to an international human rights body.

  • Wednesday, June 18th 2008 - 21:00 UTC

    Relief in the EU: British Parliament passes Lisbon treaty

    British Parliament has effectively ratified the EU Lisbon reform treaty despite the recent decision by Irish voters to reject it. A last-ditch Tory bid to delay the process for four months was defeated by a margin of 93, and peers later gave the EU Amendment Bill a third reading.

  • Wednesday, June 18th 2008 - 21:00 UTC

    Quarter point hike in Euro rate almost certain next July

    European Central Bank Executive Board member Juergen Stark said the acceleration in Euro zone inflation to 3.7% in May, the highest rate recorded since the launch of the Euro is a cause for alarm.