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Montevideo, September 21st 2024 - 19:52 UTC


  • Wednesday, June 25th 2008 - 21:00 UTC

    Euro zone rate rise next July, but will it be an only time?

    The European Central Bank president Jean-Claude Trichet said that the ECB remains in “full alert” because of the continued inflation in the Euro zone and suggested that a rate hike, next July 3 “is possible”. However he emphasised that this would not signal the first step for a ladder of rate hikes.

  • Wednesday, June 25th 2008 - 21:00 UTC

    WTO plans final push for Doha round talks next July 21

    World Trade Organization (WTO) Director-General Pascal Lamy called on Wednesday for a group of ministers from thirty main countries to meet from July 21 to push the Doha round of global free trade talks toward conclusion, diplomats said.

  • Wednesday, June 25th 2008 - 21:00 UTC

    Global food crisis, key issue in agenda of coming G8 summit

    United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said that he will focus his attention on raising the issue of food security at the G8 summit of major industrialized nations in Japan early next month, as well as the challenges of climate change and the anti-poverty targets known as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

  • Wednesday, June 25th 2008 - 21:00 UTC

    Talented workforce becoming growingly borderless and global

    Manpower Inc. released this week the results of its Borderless Workforce survey of nearly 28.000 employers across 27 countries and territories revealing that 31% of employers worldwide are concerned about the impact on the labor market from talent leaving their country to work abroad

  • Wednesday, June 25th 2008 - 21:00 UTC

    US 2008/09 soybean crop larger than 2007/08 harvest

    The US 2008-09 soybean crop is forecast at 81.90 million tons, down 2.5 million tons from a previous estimate after heavy rain in the US Midwest, according to Hamburg-based oilseeds analysts Oil World.

  • Tuesday, June 24th 2008 - 21:00 UTC

    ECB member wants “tough” reply to “alarming” inflation

    European Central Bank council member Klaus Liebscher said the bank has to be “tough” when deciding on interest rates and described the current inflation in the Euro zone as “alarming”, according to an interview with Market News International.

  • Tuesday, June 24th 2008 - 21:00 UTC

    IMF: current situation testing Latam achievements

    IMF Dominique Strauss-Kahn

    IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn warned on Monday of the rising threat of inflation in Latin America, urging policymakers to take steps to contain the shock to prices from energy and food.

  • Tuesday, June 24th 2008 - 21:00 UTC

    Beijing calls on industry to absorb higher energy costs

    China will cap price rises by manufacturers to keep consumer inflation stable following the country's fuel price hike, the National Development and Reform Commission said in a statement over the weekend.

  • Tuesday, June 24th 2008 - 21:00 UTC

    Lux & Ireland richest countries in EU; UK above average

    Luxembourg is by far the richest country in the European Union, with Ireland second at almost half its gross domestic product per capita, while Bulgaria is the poorest, according to the latest release from the European Union statistics office.

  • Tuesday, June 24th 2008 - 21:00 UTC

    Compromise on whale hunting still has not surfaced

    A divided International Whaling Commission opened its annual conference in Chile on Monday with hope for a compromise on whale hunting, which continues around the world, spearheaded by Japan, despite a 22-year commercial ban.