Copper prices fell on Wednesday to an eight-month low, below 3 US dollars per pound, on the London Metal Exchange after rising dramatically last week due to several earthquakes in northern Chile's mining region. However the monthly average for copper remains at 3.21 US dollars.
Guyana insisted over the week end in accusing Venezuelan involvement in the destruction of two gold-mining dredges on Guyanese territory in spite of Venezuelan denial of such an action. Guyana's claim follows a military report on the incident.
Magallanes region flock in the extreme south of Chile is suffering an outbreak of melophagus ovinus, more commonly known as sheep's ked, with an estimated 10% of farms under strict sanitary control.
The King of Spain's undiplomatic outburst at the Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez during the recent Ibero-American summit in Chile has become a ring-tone hit across Spain and much of Latinamerica.
Five international corporations have won bids for hydrocarbons exploration and production in nine out of ten blocks in the extreme south of Chile, --Magallanes Region--, was announced on Thursday by the country's Deputy Mining Minister Diego Vio in Punta Arenas.
Spain has sought to end tensions with Venezuela after President Hugo Chavez said he would review his country's ties with Spain. Meeting on Thursday with diplomats and reporters in Madrid Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos said Spain will defend its interests without more unnecessary gestures.
Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez this week told a French TV channel that Venezuela, just like Iran, is launching a peaceful nuclear program.
Brazil and Chile's presidents, Lula da Silva and Michelle Bachelet, are the leaders with the greatest support in Latinamerica according to the results of a public opinion poll from Corporacion Latinobaromentro, released Friday in Santiago de Chile.
Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez said Wednesday he would force Spanish businesses to be more accountable due to a spat in which Spanish King Juan Carlos told him to shut up during a summit.
A consortium led by Mexican billionaire tycoon Carlos Slim posted the cheapest bid on Wednesday to win the latest small contract to expand the Panama Canal, part of the wider 5.25 billion US dollars project.