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Montevideo, July 26th 2024 - 23:49 UTC

Latin America

  • Tuesday, March 27th 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Chile and Japan sign wide ranging free trade agreement

    Japan and Chile sealed a free trade deal Tuesday by which Chile will have zero tariff access for virtually all its exportable goods including copper, fish, tea and wine.

  • Monday, March 26th 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Chavez: China to become top oil client

    Chávez-China Oil Deal May Produce Unsuspected Winners

    President Hugo Chavez said China is set to rival the United States as Venezuela's top oil buyer as he announced new plans with the Asian powerhouse to jointly ship oil, build refineries and expand crude production.

  • Monday, March 26th 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Santiago is the 5th richest city in Latin America

    Consulting firm Pricewaterhouse Coopers recently ranked the richest cities in the world by measuring economic output and consumer buying power. Santiago ranked 53rd overall, but 5th among other cities in Latin America, after Mexico, Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

  • Monday, March 26th 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Cruise vessel rescues young couple that fell overboard

    Grand Princess Cruise

    A young couple fell overboard from a cruise ship in the Gulf of Mexico early Sunday, but both were rescued after a four-hour search and appeared to be in good condition, a cruise line spokeswoman said.

  • Sunday, March 25th 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Lan Chile signs contract for 15 Airbus A320

    LAN Chile Airlines has signed a firm contract with Airbus for the acquisition of 15 additional A320 Family aircraft. This is a confirmation of the options that were announced in October 2005.

  • Sunday, March 25th 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Chilean tourism industry turnover in 2 months, 2.4 billion

    The tourism industry in Chile generated 2.4 billion US dollars during the 2006/07 summer season according to Oscar Santelices, head of the country's National Tourism Service, Sernatur.

  • Friday, March 23rd 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Climate change impact in Chile “may not be so severe”

    A panel of experts from the University of Chile has suggested that the impact of climate change may not be so severe in Chile as in other parts of the world. They reason that the strong influence of the Pacific Ocean on the country may well help mitigate the effects of global warming.

  • Thursday, March 22nd 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Leading banker warns of “market adjustments” in Latam

    A senior international banker predicted a further shake-out in emerging markets, particularly Latinamerica, arguing that asset prices in the region, (the best performing market last year) “have run ahead of economic fundamentals in many cases” and the market needs some sort of adjustment.

  • Wednesday, March 21st 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Chile's Bachelet received by Mexico's Felipe Calderon

    Mexico's embattled President Felipe Calderón received Chilean President Michelle Bachelet Monday night in what marked the first state visit by any country to Mexico since Calderón took office 100 days ago. While supporters of defeated presidential candidate Manuel López Obrador staged a protest against Calderón outside of Mexico City's National Palace, the conservative President was warm in his remarks to Chile's first woman president.

  • Tuesday, March 20th 2007 - 21:00 UTC

    Bio-fuels top of US Treasury secretary agenda in Latam

    Secretary Henry Paulson

    United States Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson arrived in Guatemala Monday vowing to back efforts to expand the benefits of free trade, combat poverty and promote bio-fuels such as ethanol.