Chilean president Michelle Bachelet on Thursday reshuffled her cabinet by naming new Foreign Affairs and Defence ministers as well as a new government spokesperson. This is the eighth reshuffle since taking office in 2006 and marks the beginning of a tough electoral and financial year.
Bolivian president Evo Morales ate a coca leaf in front of delegates at the UN summit on drugs in Vienna on Wednesday, to underline his demand that the raw ingredient used to make cocaine be removed from the United Nation's list of prohibited drugs.
The Prince of Wales held talks with Brazilian President Lula da Silva ahead of a landmark speech by the royal on climate change. Charles met Lula da Silva in Brasilia and discussed a range of topics including the environment and sustainable development.
The head of the Brazilian Senate and former president Jose Sarney said that the Mercosur incorporation of Venezuela will be “disturbing” for the trade block but admitted the Upper House would finally approve the admission protocols.
Argentine president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown will be holding a bilateral meeting next March 27th in Viña del Mar, Chile during the progressive leaders’ forum and most probably the Falklands/Malvinas claim issue will be on the table, according to reports in Buenos Aires daily La Nación.
The Prince of Wales returned to his Royal Navy roots on Tuesday when he visited a British frigate now in service with Chile. Charles, a former mine-sweeper commander, toured the frigate Almirante Condell with the Duchess of Cornwall during a trip to the Chilean city of Valparaiso.
Twelve South American Defence ministers meeting in Santiago de Chile urged the United States on Tuesday to end the nearly half a century economic and travel embargo on Cuba.
Brazilian president Lula da Silva said that relations with neighbouring Uruguay are at “their best level ever”, following a meeting Tuesday with visiting president Tabare Vazquez.
British honorary consul in Punta Arenas, extreme south of Chile, John Rees said he felt greatly moved and proud after having been awarded the MBE, Member of the British Empire honour by Prince Charles, currently visiting Chile.
Bolivian president Evo Morales ordered a senior US diplomat to leave the country, accusing him of siding with opposition groups in a conspiracy against the government in La Paz.