A group of independent United Nations experts have called for urgent measures to protect those defending human rights in Colombia, following a recent surge in violence that includes killings, harassment and intimidation of civil society activists, trade union leaders and lawyers representing victims.
Argentine Justice Minister Aníbal Fernández has denied there is a dual command governing the country and said that President Cristina Fernández is the one in charge, not her husband, former President Néstor Kirchner.
However Spain's highest court has ruled that Peron, 77, was not implicated in the death squad's activities. The Anti-Communist Alliance or Triple A as it was known, murdered as many as 15-hundred people, according to human rights groups. The killings have been described as the start of Argentina's dirty war against leftist dissidents under subsequent military juntas.
Argentine president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner underlined on Monday the close relations with Spain and vehemently denied tensions over the situation of Aerolíneas Argentinas whose major shareholders are Spanish and allegedly room is being made for Argentine investors to join.
United States and Uruguay signed on Tuesday a bilateral agreement to promote and increase cooperation in Science and Technology. The agreement was signed by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Uruguay's Foreign Affairs minister Gonzalo Fernandez during a ceremony at the State Department.
President Hugo Chávez threatened to expropriate Venezuela's largest steel maker, which is owned by an Argentine group, due to what he said are the soon-to-be-nationalized company's excessive compensation demands.
Colombian President Alvaro Uribe said on Monday that his government doesn't buy consciences. Uribe was responding to reporters' questions about a scandal involving a former Congresswoman Yidis Medina who claims that in return for political favors she voted for a measure in 2004 that enabled the president's reelection.
Argentine farmers and government representatives met late Monday in an undisclosed location and no information was available as to the terms and agenda of the much expected encounter with the new Economy minister Carlos Fernandez, but a new atmosphere seems to prevail.
For the second year in a row, Chile was placed on the intellectual property priority watch list released Friday in the US Trade Representative (USTR) annual Special 301 report, which looks at intellectual property protection by US trading partners.
Police in southern China have discovered a factory manufacturing Free Tibet flags, according to media reports in Beijing. The factory in Guangdong had been completing overseas orders for the flag of the Tibetan government-in-exile.