The huge nuclear powered aircraft carrier USS George Washington has reached Argentine waters ready to begin annual naval exercises with its Argentine counterpart in the South Atlantic
The Human Rights Council should convene to discuss the current global food crisis because it is important to view the problem of soaring prices as a massive violation of the right to adequate food, a United Nations expert on the subject said this week.
The Argentine government and local investors will recover almost 65% control of Aerolineas Argentinas currently belonging to the Spanish tourism group Marsans, according to a brief announcement from the company's spokesperson.
The Economist first May print edition published an interesting article on the rapidly deteriorating political and economic situation of Argentina under President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner's. The article is titled Cristina in the land of make-believe and the influential magazine states that dashing hopes of change, Argentina's new president is leading her country into economic peril and social conflict.
Six out of ten Argentines disapprove the way President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner is running government and eight out of ten are disenchanted with the way she's addressing sensitive issues such as corruption and handling of the economy, according to the latest survey from Management & Fit released this Sunday.
The richest region of Bolivia, Santa Cruz voted overwhelmingly for autonomy on Sunday in a vote widely seen as a rejection of President Evo Morales' radical reforms. However President Morales said the referendum had failed categorically because less than 50% had voted and called all governors to build a true autonomy.
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown is under pressure from his party to restore his credibility after delivering Labour's worst election results in at least 40 years. In his first electoral test as PM, Mr Brown lost nine councils and 333 seats and saw Labour's Ken Livingstone edged out of power in London after eight years.
Following long discussions until early Saturday morning, the Organization of American States, OAS, supported the territorial integrity of Bolivia but abstained from condemning the autonomy referendum which is scheduled for Sunday in the province of Santa Cruz, the country's richest.
Argentine farmers will limit sales of agricultural products in a renewed protest against a sliding tax system for grain and oilseed exports, but they will continue to negotiate with the government, farm leaders announced Friday after consulting with their organizations
Marking the annual World Press Freedom Day top United Nations officials have stressed the role of a secure and independent media, and access to information, in empowering individuals and advancing development.