Headlines: Ship burns for days; Get behind the Big Salute; Volcanic ash over Islands; Man guilty of sex with child.
Bolivian President Evo Morales agreed to a nationwide recall referendum, gambling that Bolivians will re-elect him after just two years in office and confirm support for his plan of reforms which has been condemned by some of the country's richest provinces.
Frustrated Argentine farmers returned on Wednesday to protest pickets in the country's highways following 21 days of conflict and 36 of truce during which no sound agreements were reached with the reluctant and stubborn President Kirchner administration.
The French engineering giant Alstom, famous for its high speed trains and power stations is under investigation by Swiss and French officials for alleged briberies to gain contracts in Asia and South America between 1995 and 2003.
In spite of conflicting versions over the latest round of talks between Argentine farmers and government representatives both sides agreed on a recess until tomorrow Wednesday when they will retake discussions on the sliding export levies which triggered a three weeks conflict in March and promises of more if no agreement is reached.
United States Ambassador to Argentina Anthony Wayne warned that Argentina should consider the international context when taking economic decisions. However, he also emphasized that the present world economic situation had positive elements and offered advantageous opportunities for Argentina.
A staunch supporter of US presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, South Dakota Senator George McGovern called on the New York Senator to drop out of the race and let Senator Barack Obama secure the Democratic Party nomination.
The Organization of American States Secretary General, OAS, Jose Miguel Insulza praised on Monday the Bolivian promoters of the Santa Cruz autonomy referendum for having expressed no secessionists or contrary to law intentions.
In spite of growing military relations with Washington, Argentina is working closely in South American defense and integration affairs with Brazil with the purpose of consolidating a regional military line of thinking in the framework of Mercosur.
Members of Parliament on the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee have recognised the importance of the airbridge between the UK and the Falklands.