An influential The Washington Post columnist criticized José Miguel Insulza last Friday, questioning the increasingly clear presidential ambitions of the Chilean secretary general of the Organization of America States (OAS).
Buenos Aires daily La Nacion Sunday edition comes strongly in support of Uruguay's position and conduct, --so far--, in the pulp mills controversy with Argentina and describes incoming President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner reference to the issue during her inaugural speech before Congress as untimely.
Brazil's government managed energy firm Petrobras announced plans on Monday to invest up to one billion US dollars in Bolivia to increase natural gas production and look for new reserves of the fuel.
Falkland Islands Councillors along with representatives of other countries and Overseas Territories recently met to discuss the composition of a paper reviewing their relationship with the European Union.
Contrary to what happened a week ago in the Argentine Congress, President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and Uruguay's leader Tabare Vazquez made no reference to the pulp mill conflict and exchanged praise and polite gestures during the 34th Mercosur presidential summit held Tuesday in Montevideo.
Israel signed Tuesday in Uruguay a free trade agreement with Mercosur, the first ever the South American trade group subscribes with a country outside Latinamerica. Israel's Deputy Minister and Minister of Industry, Trade and Commerce Eliahu Yishai traveled to Montevideo for the event.
With a letter - the contents of which were broadcast on Cuban TV - Fidel Castro, 81, implied that he would be stepping down as leader and would not put obstacles in the path of a younger leader.
A former Education Minister was leading a close race for the presidential nomination of Paraguay's ruling Colorado Party, opening the chance for a third sitting woman president in South America.
The European Union Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Joaquin Almunia said on Sunday that the Botnia pulp mill in Uruguay which recently begun production and is at the heart of an acrimonious dispute with Argentina complies reasonably with environmental requisites.
The recent surge in military expenditure particularly Chile and Venezuela has led to fears that South America might be involved in an arms race. However most experts feel that in spite of existing regional differences what is going on is a modernization process of the Armed Forces arsenals which are rapidly becoming obsolete.