Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, after nationalizing oil, electricity and telecommunications this year, said private schools that fail to teach a ''socialist'' curriculum will be taken over by the state.
Just six weeks from October 28 presidential and Congressional elections Argentine president Nestor Kirchner is not enjoying his best stand with the electorate, according to a public opinion poll published Saturday in the Buenos Aires press.
An Argentine member of congress presented a bill calling for the establishment of a bilingual broadcasting station targeted to service the Falkland Islands.
The way of the future; Gold company to end Falklands exploration; Millions for new ferry terminals?; UK policemen to 'mentor' local officers; What's on this weekend?
In spite of the recurrent economic cycles Argentina remains a magnet for people from neighboring countries. Over 700.000 foreigners applied for Argentina residence between 2003 and September this year, according to official figures from Argentina's Migration Office.
The European Commission proposed this week to suspend for a year rules forcing grain farmers to leave a percentage of fallow land and thus helping to curb soaring prices of cereals such as wheat.
The Brazilian Senate narrowly voted Wednesday to absolve the embattled higher house president Renan Calheiros, a key ally of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who faced expulsion over corruption allegations.
Several Chilean cities have offered to take in as many as 100 Palestinian refugees that are currently living in refugee camps along the Iraqi border. These include the cities of La Calera and San Felipe in Region V, and Ñuñoa in the Metropolitan Region.
Russia is interested in closer political and economic relations with Mercosur said on Wednesday Russian visiting acting Foreign Affairs minister Sergei Lavrov in Uruguay one of the several countries included in the current South American tour.
The United Nations General Assembly today adopted a landmark declaration outlining the rights of the world's estimated 370 million indigenous people and outlawing discrimination against them – a move that followed more than two decades of debate.