MercoPress, en Español

Montevideo, September 19th 2024 - 23:52 UTC


  • Tuesday, January 23rd 2007 - 20:00 UTC

    Pickets celebrated but call for “political solution”

    Argentine pickets in the city of Gualeguaychu, the main bastion protesting the construction of a pulp mill on the Uruguayan side reacted with surprise, joy but also soberness to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling which turned down Uruguay's request to force Argentina to end blockades.

  • Tuesday, January 23rd 2007 - 20:00 UTC

    Pull mills dispute: Argentina invites Uruguay to dialogue

    Argentina called on neighboring Uruguay to dialogue about the construction of pulp mills following the International Court of Justice, ICJ, ruling that turned down Uruguay's request for an end to road and bridge blockades by pickets protesting alleged contamination from the controversial plants.

  • Tuesday, January 23rd 2007 - 20:00 UTC

    Uruguay “deeply concerned” with summits' protocol routine

    President Tabare Vazquez

    Uruguay's Tabare Vazquez said he was “deeply concerned” fearing that the recurrent regional summit with the participation of Latinamerican leaders could turn into a mere “protocol routine”.

  • Monday, January 22nd 2007 - 20:00 UTC

    Possible mustard gas poisoning of former Chilean president

    Former President Eduardo Frei Montalvo

    Former Chilean president Eduardo Frei Montalvo who died in 1982 could have been poisoned with mustard gas, according to a report from the Belgian University of Gant which is currently in the hands of the Chilean judge who has the case.

  • Monday, January 22nd 2007 - 20:00 UTC

    Taiana meets Ban Ki-Moon to insist on Falklands talks

    Argentina's Foreign Affaire minister Jorge Taiana

    Argentina's Foreign Affaire minister Jorge Taiana is scheduled to meet Monday with United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon when he will reiterate Argentina's “firm interest” in advancing a solution to the Falklands/Malvinas dispute with Great Britain.

  • Monday, January 22nd 2007 - 20:00 UTC

    Royal member and minister to visit Falklands next June

    Britain's Ministry of Defence and the Foreign Office confirmed that the Armed Forces Minister Adam Ingram and a member of the Royal Family will be visiting the Falkland Islands next June as part of the 25th commemoration of the South Atlantic conflict and thus rebutting an article from The Observer.

  • Monday, January 22nd 2007 - 20:00 UTC

    Princess Anne to meet Chilean President Bachelet in Viña

    Princess Anne arrived in Punta Arenas, extreme south Chile Monday at 13:30 hours aboard a British Antarctic Survey (BAS) aircraft, the first leg of a three days visit which includes a meeting with President Michelle Bachelet Tuesday evening.

  • Monday, January 22nd 2007 - 20:00 UTC

    Pulp mills dispute: Uruguay expects favorable ruling

    Court of Justice at The Hague

    The Uruguayan government is confident of a positive ruling from the International Court of The Hague calling for an end to blockades by Argentine environmentalists protesting against the construction of a pulp mill on the Uruguayan side of a shared river that acts as a natural border between the neighboring countries.

  • Monday, January 22nd 2007 - 20:00 UTC

    Pickets will only abide to relocation of controversial pulp mill

    “We will continue with our protests” pickets said yesterday

    The environmental assembly from Gualeguaychu whose pickets are blocking access to an international bridge leading to Uruguay in protest over the building of an allegedly highly contaminating pulp mill, have anticipated that they will no lift the pickets if an international court ruling favors Uruguay.

  • Monday, January 22nd 2007 - 20:00 UTC

    Taiana: good rapport with Ki-Moon on Malvinas issue

    Minister J. Taiana and UN  Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon

    Argentina formally called on United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon good offices with the purpose of resuming talks with the United Kingdom to help find a peaceful solution to the Falkland Islands sovereignty dispute.