First lady Cristina Fernandez, in her first televised interview since winning Argentina's presidency, thanked her husband for his role in her triumph and wished Hillary Rodham Clinton well in her U.S. election bid.
The U.N. General Assembly voted overwhelmingly Tuesday to urge the United States to end its 46-year-old trade embargo against Cuba after its foreign minister accused the U.S. of stepping up its brutal economic war to new heights.
Argentina's First Lady Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner has become the first elected woman president of the country in what seems a landslide victory and with no need for a run off, according to exit polls and the first official results.
Falkland Islands' elected Councilors have low expectations of the new Argentine president in terms of concrete progress on Islands' issues.
The Argentine presidential calendar will remember 2007 for several events: the 53rd president is the first elected woman to reach the highest office, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, and possibly the only country in the world where a husband (President Nestor Kirchner) hands over the blue and white sash to his wife.
Elected Argentine president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner should face no obstacles with Executive initiatives in Congress according to the results of her windfall victory which consolidated the government's grip on the Senate and now becomes extensive to the Lower House.
The first official order for the so-called 100 US dollars laptop has been placed by the government of Uruguay which is buying 100,000 of the machines for schoolchildren aged six to 12.
Magallanes Region in the extreme south of Chile requested from the central government a 20 year extension of the legislation which contemplates certain benefits for business and investment in the remote areas of the country.
Mercosur Foreign Affairs and Economy ministers met Friday in Montevideo to address asymmetries and non tariff restrictions inside the block, an ongoing issue which has become a source of growing contention between full members, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay.
Three's a crowd; Preservation vs progress? Heritage concerns grow as Deans' smithy is demolished; Treasury behind in financial reporting to councillors; Police investigation - officer disciplined.