A week after Argentina's First Lady Cristina Kirchner was confirmed as the government's candidate for the October presidential election, several public opinion polls show her vote intention rating on the rise and closing in on that of her husband President Nestor Kirchner. But there are also surprising replies about the president's political comeback project for 2011.
Brazil's president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva admitted Friday the existence of problems between Brasilia and Caracas, although he downplayed the tone of the dispute with his Venezuelan counterpart Hugo Chavez, whom he called my friend.
Several outstanding United States officials will be visiting friendly countries in South America to promote political and trade links in the framework of what has been described as the year of the US commitment with Latinamerica.
Should we take self-determination message direct to Argentina?; Blanch to return; Ferry contract signed; No local tourism applications; Live Earth this weekend.
Argentine president Nestor Kirchner called Thursday on his Brazilian counterpart Lula da Silva to help smooth the way so Venezuela can become an active member of Mercosur.
Mercosur faces its most serious political crisis following the spiraling conflict between Brazil and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez who publicly announced a three months ultimatum for the definitive approval of his country's entry to the main South American trade block.
Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said he was looking forward to talk with his Venezuelan counterpart Hugo Chavez to discuss the latest Mercosur misunderstandings but he also emphasized that there are rules to become a member of the trade group, but none to leave.
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees welcomed an offer by Brazil to resettle an estimated 100 Palestinians formerly living in Iraq starting in mid-September.
Colombia's guerrilla movement FARC (Colombian revolutionary armed forces) are the main culprits for the death of the eleven local Deputies which they held captive, but so is Colombian president Alvaro Uribe, said on Sunday Melanie Betancourt, daughter of Ingrid Betancourt held at ransom by the Marxist oriented guerrillas.
United States Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson will make a week-long trip to South America beginning July 9, his first to the region since taking the position. He is scheduled to visit Brazil, Chile and Uruguay, meeting with the presidents of all three countries as well as Finance ministers and local business leaders.