Effective Friday, Argentines will be allowed to fill out price tags in the currency of their choice (most likely US dollars), the Central Bank (BCRA) announced Thursday, in what has been regarded as a first step towards the dollarization of the economy, one of President Javier Milei's electoral promises.
Next 22 October a presidential election will take place in Argentina, South America's second-largest economy and three candidates are competing for the job, Sergio Massa, the incumbent, Patricia Bullrich, from the traditional opposition when two coalitions prevailed in the Argentine political system, and Javier Milei, a declared libertarian, economist, and if published Argentine opinion polls can be trusted, the front runner.
Argentina's Central Bank (BCRA) Wednesday sold US$ 130 million and 288 million yuan (around US$ 40 million) in a desperate move to keep the “blue” (a euphemism for “black market”) quotation from soaring any further after reaching AR$ 527 / US$ 1.
Given the financial problems and shortage of foreign currency, on Wednesday, May 24, the leading shipping company MSC, followed by seven others, announced that, as from June, ‘freight collect’ will be charged for exports from Argentina, meaning that these charges will be billed to the party receiving a shipment, often called the consignee.
Argentina's Central Bank (BCRA) Thursday decided to raise the benchmark interest rate by 300 basis points to 78% annually, it was announced in Buenos Aires the day after the INDEC said the Consumer Price Index for the month of February ad grew 6.6% for a year-on-year inflation of 102.5 %, the highest in the last 32 years.
Argentina's current economic crisis is taking its toll on football. Transactions involving foreign players who were about to be hired by local clubs have been put on hold after local clubs have been rendered unable to have access to the amount of US dollars needed for the deal to go through.
Argentina’s Central Bank (BCRA) Thursday increased interest rates to 42.5%, it was announced. The measure is consistent with recent talks between the Government of President Alberto Fernández and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Argentina's Central Bank (BCRA) is considering raising the interest rate, in accordance with a suggestion from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), it was reported Wednesday in Buenos Aires.
Argentine savers have withdrawn more than US $ 400 million from their bank accounts this week amid growing rumours that the Central Bank (BCRA) was considering a new corralito, like the one implemented exactly 20 years ago in the days leading up to the resignation of President Fernando de la Rúa.
Contrary to expectations, the unofficial exchange rate between the Argentine peso and the US dollar remained somewhat stable Monday following the ruling party's overall loss at Sunday's mid-term elections.