A lorry carrying crude oil from Chile to Bolivia for refining overturned in Lauca National Park, Arica, Chile, spilling approximately 10,000 liters of oil, thus causing significant environmental contamination. Firefighters initially contained the spill, but damage to flora and fauna is still being assessed by Chile's National Forestry Corporation (Conaf).
Add your comment!Chilean health authorities Wednesday confirmed the first case of a human patient suffering from avian flu. It is a 53-year-old man from the city of Arica in the northern part of the country, who has been reported to be stable.
The Chilean port of Arica has announced it would seek to collect Septermber's dues in advance for Bolivian imports after that country's Port Services Administration (ASP-B) warned it would not be paying for services used during August.
The tests to reactivate a cargo rail line that connects the Chilean port of Arica (north) with Viacha, Bolivia (southwest), will be suspended, Bolivian authorities announced this Thursday, after several days of roadblocks by truck drivers against the initiative.
A group of experts from Norway begins on Monday demining tasks along the Chile-Peru border which are expected to last for at least two months, according to a release from the Chilean Foreign Ministry.
As of next 6 November Chile’s port cities will display their best since on that date the official 2012/13 cruise season begins which extends until mid April and the country has great expectations of recovering a leading position in the region.
Chilean President Sebastián Piñera made his Mercosur debut this week at the regional trade association’s summit in San Juan, Argentina, delivering a well received speech and holding separate meetings with Bolivian President Evo Morales and Brazil’s Lula da Silva and Argentina’s Cristina Kirchner.