France denies blocking the EU-Mercosur agreement, which it vetoed since it was signed in 2019. However, it reiterates its demands to correct it and says it is waiting for the outcome of the negotiations being conducted by the European Commission with its South American partners.
Jim Watt - Gibraltar. The tunnel for traffic to access the frontier with Spain without having to cross the runway has been an ongoing project beset with delays.
Let's face it. No one likes the thought of a job loss, an automobile accident, an illness, or any other major event that could negatively impact their finances.
Argentine President Alberto Fernandez was welcomed Wednesday at the White House by his US colleague Joseph Biden. The South American leader explained that his country was going through its worst drought since 1929, which “has greatly complicated our economy” and sought Biden's help in the upcoming negotiations with international creditors. The meeting was to have been held in July 2022 but the US president contracted Covid-19 and it was postponed.
Argentina's Economy Minister Sergio Massa Wednesday met with International Monetary Fund (IMF) Deputy Managing Director Gita Gopinath to discuss the flexibilization of the reserve's goals in addition to a US$ 5.3 billion disbursement to be announced early next week, it was reported in Washington.
Argentine Navy icebreaker ARA Almirante Irízar Captain Carlos Recio announced that the unit had “complied with all the tasks emanating from the operations order of the Joint Antarctic Commander, also carrying out more than 600 movements of scientific and military personnel between the different joint Antarctic bases” and was therefore on her way to the last stage of the ”Antarctic Summer Campaign (CAV) 2022/2023,” it was reported.
Ecuador's Constitutional Court (CC) Wednesday ruled by 6 votes to 3 that the impeachment of President Guillermo Lasso for his alleged involvement in acts of corruption was “admissible.” For a president to be removed from office, 92 votes of the 137 Ecuadorian assembly members are required. The CC also rejected “two accusations related to the alleged crime of extortion” and allowed only the embezzlement allegations to proceed.
Paraguay's President Mario Abdo Benítez Wednesday confirmed having met with US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Deputy Director David Cohen in Asunción to discuss national security issues.
On Tuesday 28 March, ExCo approved for the publication of the Prison audit outcomes and approved the recommendation to increase staffing at His Majesty’s Prison in Stanley by three officers. The audit was requested by the Falkland Islands Government and Government House as a result of concerns raised during the incarceration of three disruptive and violent prisoners during 2020.
The Falkland Islands Chamber of Commerce is pleased to publish its “Review of Banking Services in the Falkland Islands”. The report is the result of collaboration and input from the Falkland Islands Chamber of Commerce, the Falkland Islands Development Corporation (“FIDC”), Standard Chartered Bank (“SCB”), the Falkland Islands Government (“FIG”), and members of our local business community.