Wheat production 2024/2025 in Brazil fell by 2.6% compared to the previous year, with the National Supply Company (Conab) forecasting a harvest of 7.89 million tons in 2024. This also represents an 11.9% reduction in the cultivated area, which shrank to 3.06 million hectares.
Brazilian farmers should harvest 322,2 million tons of grains from the 2024/25 crop, representing an 8,2% increase over 2023/24, equivalent to an additional 24.5 million tons, according to the latest estimates from Conab, the county’s National Supply Company.
The Brazilian administration of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva Tuesday canceled a tender whereby some 263,000 tons of rice were to be purchased abroad to make up for the crops lost in the flooded State of Rio Grande do Sul. The decision was made after signs of irregularities were detected in the bidding companies. Rio Grande do Sul accounts for 70% of Brazil's rice production.