One of Argentina's main industry leaders, Fiat CEO Cristiano Rattazzi. said that the boost of auto manufacturing during 2013 and record sales was fed on 'steroids' and demanded more reliability in the rules to revitalize sales.
One of Argentina's main industry leaders Fiat Argentina CEO Cristiano Rattazi denied the existence of a “serious situation” in the automobile industry, so far and pointed out the need to “seek new markets” to reverse current downward trends in car manufacturing.
Fiat Argentina's CEO Cristiano Rattazzi compared inflation in Argentina with that of Venezuela and Sudan and called on the government of President Cristina Fernandez to bring it down to one digit and help stabilize production costs and exports.
Leaders of the Argentine business sector find “positive” that possibilities of Cristina Fernández re-re-election are fading, said FIAT Argentina CEO Cristiano Ratazzi who also questioned the so-called Kirchner development-inclusion model.
Argentina’s Industrial Union’s vice president, and FIAT Argentina’s head Cristiano Ratazzi, warned Monday that “inflation is like a drug that creates illusions but also social tensions”.