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Montevideo, July 26th 2024 - 23:44 UTC

Tag: Cuba US embargo

  • Thursday, June 6th 2019 - 09:55 UTC

    Trump administration clamps down on US tourist visits to Cuba: cruise industry in shock

    The move could constitute a heavy hit on Cuba, which saw more than a quarter-million US visitors in the first four months of 2019

    The Trump administration clamped down on US tourist visits to Cuba on Tuesday, aiming to cut the flow of dollars to a country that Washington accuses of helping prop up Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.

  • Saturday, November 3rd 2018 - 23:57 UTC

    Russia to help Cuba finance acquisition of military equipment

    Putin and Diaz-Canel agreed in Moscow to strengthen Russia's military assistance to Cuba.

    Russia has agreed to assist Cuba purchase modern weaponry by means of a 38-million-euro credit line, Deputy Finance Minister Sergei Storchak explained Friday after talks between Presidents Vladimir Putin and Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez at the Kremlin.

  • Wednesday, October 28th 2015 - 09:11 UTC

    UN condemns 191-2, US embargo on Cuba, despite restored relations

    US deputy ambassador Ronald Godard said before the vote that Cuba is “mistaken” if it thinks the measure will improve efforts to normalize relations.

    United States on Tuesday voted against a U.N. resolution condemning its embargo on Cuba, even though President Barack Obama has called on Congress to lift the trade restrictions. The vote was the first since the U.S. and Cuban leaders agreed to restore diplomatic ties last December, and the U.S. had considered taking the unprecedented step of abstaining.

  • Tuesday, May 12th 2015 - 06:18 UTC

    Hollande in Havana ratifies support for Cuba and an end to the US embargo

    The French president met with his peer Raul Castro and also with Fidel Castro, the emblematic leader of the Cuban 1959 revolution

    French President Francois Hollande has urged an end to the US trade embargo of Cuba and envisioned a larger French role in Cuba's engagement with the West during the first visit by a French head of state to Cuba. Havana is in foreign policy talks with both the European Union and the United States amid intense world interest in Cuba following detente with Washington in December.

  • Saturday, January 24th 2015 - 05:50 UTC

    Cuba/US: catching a glimpse of the possible future

    The hostile policy first adopted by President Eisenhower (1953/61) was followed with only slight variations by Republican and Democratic administrations

    By Leonardo Padura Fuentes (*) - All Cubans, on either side of the Florida Straits, but also in places like Spain, France or Greenland – where there must be a couple of Cubans – as well felt it was a historic moment that included each and every one of us, when U.S. President Barack Obama announced on Dec. 17 the normalization of relations after half a century of hostility.

  • Monday, December 8th 2014 - 06:55 UTC

    Mujica says Guantanamo inmates in Uruguay can leave whenever they wish

    Mujica also asked for the liberation of Cuban spies jailed in the US and the lifting of the US embargo on Cuba

    The detainees from Guantanamo Base in Cuba that arrived in Uruguay on Sunday as part of an agreement with the US, “can leave the country whenever they wish”, since they come as 'refugees', announced President Jose Mujica.

  • Wednesday, October 29th 2014 - 10:43 UTC

    UN assembly (188 out of 193 countries) condemns US embargo on Cuba

    “Right now 77% of Cubans were born under these conditions, Cuban foreign minister Bruno Rodriguez told the Assembly”

    The United Nations General Assembly for the 21st time on Tuesday condemned the economic and trade embargo imposed by the United States on Cuba, a policy that has been in place for over half a century. 188 countries out of 193 voted against the restrictions imposed by Washington against Cuba, which date back to 1962, three years after Fidel Castro took power in a revolution.