Hilary Clinton has opened up a 14-percentage-point lead against Donald Trump nationally, according to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released Monday. The survey found that in a two-way race between the two nominees, Clinton leads Trump 52% to 38%, up from a 7-percentage-point lead last month.
Alicia Machado says that when she gained weight after being crowned Miss Universe for 1996, Donald Trump labeled her with a sexist nickname — “Miss Piggy” — that caused her shame and humiliation. Two decades later, Machado’s dealings with Trump, her one-time beauty pageant boss, are reverberating through the 2016 campaign as the Republican businessman and reality TV star seeks the White House.
Early polls following the first of three presidential debates point to Hillary Clinton coming out ahead of Donald Trump in Monday night’s face off. According to a CNN/ORC poll taken immediately after the debate wrapped, 62% of 521 registered voters who watched the debate said Clinton won, compared to 27% for Trump. Pulbic Policy Polling also had Clinton trumping Trump, but by a more narrow margin of 51% to 40%.